Munitions bug...

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Tobias1978, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Tobias1978 New Player

    Ok...other 2 powers so far I see are bugged...Shrapnel Grenade launcher and Biggun...if there is anything in front of your target whether it be a npc or the tank these powers will NOT do any damage....also so is a piece of furniture is in the way it will hit that and not destroy it...the base item will just absorb the attack and not be destroyed.
  2. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Actually I find this is an issue with might based attacks in general, sucks having a random rock shield my enemies from my emp, killing the am.
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  3. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Chain Gun destroys items. Same goes for Ice: Avalanche destroys items. Nothing in Quantum acts on the environment, beside those PI that cause objects to be attracted to the target (it's freaking awesome to see a gravitationally charged foes hit by a car!)

    However, munitions powers are all bullets and explosions. There is no reason why they shouldn't destroy props and barrels.