Multiple boss spawns; bug or feature?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Wildboy, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Wildboy Committed Player

    I know that it was possible for ISIS to double spawn (2 of them) in the Gotham Warehouse Duo. And I personally witnessed a duet of Bane's in the Cape Carmine duo once (there were two Killer Crocs, too!)

    This afternoon, I queued into Ace with an alt for the daily and to get some easy styles. Our second boss was the Metal Mimes. Before they started moving, I slapped them with an Orbital Strike and two of the mimes went down right away. The ensuing cut scene showed two Amusing Alloys and sure enough, we got two of the killer clowns to fight. They wiped out two of the new-ish level 30s in the group. I finished 'em off, but I felt like apologizing to the group; I had no idea that would happen.

    Any other examples of this happening?
  2. Breakforce Loyal Player

    This happened waaaaaay back in the first couple of months of release. Double Banes in the Lighthouse was indeed a scary prospect when you were fresh level 30.
  3. Orius Active Player

    Years ago I had this happen with the double Isis, double Banes and once with double Flash/Classic Flash but I haven't seen it in quite a while.