Hello! Freshly installed game (not in the C: drive). At the client, the mouse works fine (can scroll with wheel). Starting the game, at the character menu, scrolling with the wheel not working. Entering the game, mouse looking not working, mouse wheel not working, even wasd not working. Mouse buttons works. Deleting config didnt solve the problem. I made a support ticket sunday, didnt get a single response yet. What is this thing?
After today's patch, the problem came back, and this time the steps which the support told me last time didn't worked.
So, when this issue first happened, the steps what the support advised was solved the problem. After the patch, the same issue came back. The steps didn't solved the case. Support told me to contact with the mouse support, but Logitech can't help in this, because the problem is only DCUO related. Then the support wrote this: "At this point, it sounds like a may be a bug. In this instance, we recommend posting this issue to the Official DC Universe Online Forum. Not only do we have a great community of gamers who often share solutions for known problems, but our developers often check these threads for suggestions, improvements, and bugs. This truly is the best way to get your voice heard." In 2023 this is surreal...
https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dc...-in-inventory-when-rolling-with-mouse.326682/ It may be related, i´m having same issues. I also use a Logitech Mouse, 1st time in all these years i´m having this kind of issue.
I play on pc with cheap mouse, works fine. On windows tablet with mosue or with magnetic keyboard/touchpad works fine. This has never happened to me for many years. The problem is definetly on your side so don't want DB to solve your problem. Make a clean chipset driver reinstall with latest versions. Or complete windows. Change mouse.
How can is this in my side? Only in DCUO the problem comes out. Not even in WoW, Division, Control, Borderlands, Plague Tale, or any other game.
Problem solved yet? If not, could you show a Screenshot after Log in (Pressing ESC or opening any other UI window like Map, Renown, Inventory etc.) Do you see the Mouse Cursor appier/disappier while doing so? That would tell me if there is an issue within the InputSystem code. Also does it happen always or only sometimes? Also which windows version do you have? Does Microsoft Teams/Microsoft Edge/Widgets run in the Background? (See in Task-Manager by holding Control+Shift+Esc, close them) If it still persist after closing we could try disabling focus overwrite(might be caused by that, would know after seeing a screenshot, try both fullscreen and window mode before, if it happens in window mode its unliky to be a lose of focus) open CMD.exe as admin and paste: reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "ForegroundFlashCount" /t REG_SZ /d "0" /f reg add "HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop" /v "ForegroundLockTimeout" /t REG_DWORD /d "0" /f "0" means disabled (default value is 200000)