Mother box circuitry

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Time Beacon, Sep 29, 2024.

  1. Time Beacon Well-Known Player

    I’ve only managed to get 2 so far this week after doing all the instances multiple times.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Nice. I've gotten 0 so far this week.
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  3. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I got 1 running the raid twice this week, the solo, the 3 open world missions in the new zone, and elite alert, all daily. Think the drop rate needs to be increased.
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  4. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Same here. Have ran all available daily and weekly content on my main character as well as a couple raid resets and solo resets (all elite except reg raid feat run). Have ran all daily and weekly content on my alt except for 1 days dailies and the alert yesterday (some elite, some reg). Have ran all weekly content and two days of dailies on my primary farming toon (reg except for solo).

    All for a grand total of......{{DRUMROLL}}.......

    Zero, zilch, none, nada, nothing.

    I've heard this from a few of my leaguemates as well. Four of us were on and in league chat yesterday when this came up. As of the time of that conversation, two of us had gotten zero, one had gotten 1 and the other had gotten 4 but he had spammed the raid a bunch of times.

    I mentioned it in the Rewards feedback thread. If we were still doing the adaptive augments with the OP drop rate perk I would say it seems low but probably within generally normal parameters as long as the perk works. But alas, the days of the OP drop rate perks seem to have come and gone. In which case, I think someone may have forgotten to carry the 7......or something.
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  5. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    The drop rate is unbelievably bad.
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  6. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Yup. I've run 4 characters through and have 2 Circuitry total. I should feel lucky.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Doesn't matter much to me as I still can't get my belt on any toon's I'd be leveling it on. 'Talk to Mr Miracle' on the episode option to speak to him on the NPC.

    Full transparency though I haven't played in about 3 maybe it will be fixed next login.
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  8. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    It's been fixed. And even before that, you could have just talked to him the next day after completing the raid.
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  9. GhostRyder3000 Loyal Player

    I think you have to buy it... 40 whatevers.

    And yeah... I was wondering if they were gonna mess with the drop rates now that real cash is on the table....[/quote]
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nope. I did that...figuring the same thing. Had the raid done, came in the next day...still nothing.

    But, I'll take your word for it on being fixed and will check back in tomorrow after weekly reset. I hadn't planned on playing tonight either.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate


    I fully expected to have to buy it...after the vendor was open. Unfortunately, I was unable to talk to Mr Miracle as directed TO open the vendor. We've been buying OP stuff from a special vendor for several DLCs now(since what? LOD?). No one is expecting a drop at this point...but yeah, especially now with marks for IRL money on the table.
  12. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Sadly I haven't noticed how bad the drop rate is. I ran around 18 of my 36 characters through the story and made about 1.3 billions but that's with me buying 1 on every character also. My problem is its would normally be done on all 36 characters by the end of Sunday and only got through half.
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  13. CosmicSentinaI Active Player

    I also had trouble getting the belt. Told me to go talk to Miracle but he wasn't responsive, couldn't circle him (PS4) to engage.
    They next day though, after the daily reset when I went to that roof, he had a prompt so I went to him and he was offering me the Big Barda mission. I canceled that and went to the journal and selected the belt mission. He still had the prompt over his head so I engaged him and it worked. I then got the belt from the Gotham docks vendor.
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  14. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Sell everything, everything must go! Best way to start a DLC and slowly get your items maxed up after you have made a decent return on your time invested. I only run 6 characters anymore and so far I think I got 3 of them through the open world and queued content. Partly due to the lack of concern I have to run much anymore since the Batman event. 18 characters... That is a grind and a half!!
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Could be it will only come up if I have that entry in the journal active. I'll give that a shot....tomorrow.
  16. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    The Mr miracle mission doesn't work till you run all the journal mission.
  17. Hraesvelg Always Right

    That might have been it, because I had mine active. Also, when I did talk to him, the "take his daily mission" window popped up...but I closed it instead of accepting it and it worked.