My initial thoughts were that the council would make good legends especially ninja Batman,primal Batman and steam powered Batman.
Smh... No I don't. Jens: Everything has to be from the comics. Here you can see that Batman Beyond (Terry McGinnis) appeared in 212 comics so i'll be waiting for him
I didn't hear about that. That's why I asked -_- There was something about making Future Batman temporarily available to new members though so that's where the confusion stemmed from. EDIT: Also you know you can respond to multiple posts at once right?
Are you serious have you not learned from previous posts there are a bunch off them about give us pre-order Batman. i said to myself **** it went on Ebay bought collectors edition and got pre-order Batman codes still work but only some you have to be really lucky. But Seriously dude if it will be exclusive like pre-order Batman there will be million of post gives us pre-order Batman wha wha wha i deserve him wah wah wah. I used to be a person that thought it should be released for all, i'm talking about pre-order Batman but as one good guy said it's a matter of principle they should stand by there word and keep it exclusive, exclusive is just that exclusive. I personally hate exclusiveness of any items in any game, because to many people act like complete jerks there is guy i know who bought an account with Batman inspired mask and know when ever someone asks him how did you get it he turns on his Elitsm mode on and deliberately pisses off that person saying and i quote "It was given as reward for surviving the PSN hack you can't get it anymore you loser ha ha ha ha etc..." for that i hate him a lot even though i have both pre-order Batman and the mask i would personally never to such a thing, so tell me is it really a good idea to make him one time Exclusive? because i don't think so and there are plenty of guys like him.