Missing Legends Characters: My suggestions

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Funky, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Funky New Player

    For a shorter Read just skim through the highlighted words.

    Wonder Woman - You can't be serious her being excluded just ain't right, I know she is coming soon, because you can't have only 2 out of 3 mentors. Her shield makes her more unique.

    Circe - Ok I have crazy ideas with this one, can turn enemies into weak-*** beastiamorphs for a short ime as well as transforming a nearby teammate into a pumped up Rhino with increased defense for a short time(your noob teammate more likely). Also Having Joker, Lex and no Circe? Where the ladies at?

    Green Arrow - No archery in legends? What's up with that? Need someone to represent. Also his loadouts can include a lot of specialty arrows. Cryo arrow, Exploding arrow, and the deadly Precision shot.

    Deathstroke - Can switch between one handed and rifle, *example- the joker

    Super Girl - well basically your alternate for Power girl but with some of Supermans Loadouts. but who cares. Arkillo and Kilowog are so similar.

    Batwoman - Well we have Robin, Huntress, and Nightwing. Throw her in there.

    Atrocitus- no sorry this idea is atrocious, but one Red Lantern wouldn't hurt.

    Raven, Cyborg, Beast Boy and the rest of the Titans: Beast boy can add shapshifting to the mix, Raven is awesome fits right in with Fate and Faust and Cyborg? I just want to hear 'Boo-yah!!' every time I knock someone out (they'll be added with the Trigon dlc hopefully).

    Arkham Rogues Gallery: Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze,Scarecrow: Why these 3? Because it adds variety, Ivy for plants, Freeze for Ice. Scarecrow for fear.

    Flash and Captain Cold: No Flash? Should've came in with Lightning Stikes if you ask me (Captain Cold is way more iconic, Zoom would just be an alternate Flash)

    I know what you're thinking "More Legends characters? uggh everything is unbalanced enough"
    But the goal here is to add variety and bring something new to the table. But not like Steel. Steel was a mistake.
    Also thought it would be fun to have a team of Joker, Ivy, Freeze, and Scarecrow go up against a Team of Batman, Robin, Nightwing, and Batwoman in Arkham Asylum. There you go, Show a promo of that and you have good marketing.

    Ok I'm done I know this has been done probably a thousand times before but I just wanna put SOME words out there. Don't get me started on Load-outs.
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  2. Amazon Committed Player

    This is a great well thought out list and mirrors most other posts that are available about legends hopefully the devs can work on new toons ( after thy fix the syncing issues) ;-/
  3. Circe New Player

    +1 For mentioning Circe, Wonder Woman, Poison Ivy, and Raven (and sort of Starfire and Donna Troy).

    I personally think we need to see more of the powersets that aren't in Legends yet.

    For Ice I personally wanna see Killer Frost. She'd be awesome!
    For Fire - Fire! She's pretty cool!
    Earth - Terra
    Nature - Poison Ivy
    Mental - I want Whisper A'Daire, but I'd settle for Gorilla Grodd or Martian Manhunter.
    Electricity - Livewire, but Static and Black Lightning are probably more popular options.
    Oh, and she has her own Iconic Power: Black Canary!
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  4. BadMoFo New Player

    I just want to hear 'Boo-yah!!' every time I knock someone out +1 with some awesome sauce for that one
  5. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Booster Gold, Commissioner Gordon, Harvey Bullock, the Penguin, The Flash, Green Arrow, and of course Deathstroke.
  6. Sparkman New Player

    Martian Manhunter and Hawkgirl!
  7. LaughingRiot Well-Known Player

    Parasite people! Come on, wouldn't you wanna hear throughout a battle, "YOU SUCK" >:D
  8. Manny254 New Player

    Don't wanna be a downer, but every week there is at least three threads requesting new legends characters and........