Fixed Missing leagues....

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Emoney, Mar 11, 2023.

  1. Emoney Loyal Player

    My main is no longer in a league, and one of my alts is missing their league. My alt is the leader of the league, solo, and I did not disband it. US/PS4

    Edit: I rebooted the game, still no leagues.
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  2. KillahBags Level 30

    Yes leagues are broken and not showing up
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  3. Mixlpixl New Player

    Yep. 5 yr old league and it's gone now.
  4. Hotgirlzz Well-Known Player

    My league is missing also.
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  5. SuperWeak New Player

    Same. Our league mates are homeless.
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  6. SuperWeak New Player

    Check that... EX-league mates:(
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  7. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    This is happening to me as of today 3/11/23. I am US/PS5 Hero. I am no longer in my league and a league mate said that the option to invite me is not there

    Edited: I also rebooted my ps5 several times and still not there as well
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  8. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    I want my league back. I work hard to have everything i have in there.
    Ths is not funny
  9. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I can confirm this as well.

    All of my characters are in the same league, but one of them does not have league showing up (gives option to create league). Yet that character is still showing as in the league on other characters.
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  10. Redwingsrock New Player

    This is happening to me also, a League Mate said I am still in the league, but I don't see the league.
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  11. Blujay New Player

    Same issue on US PC. League mates confirm I still appear in the roster, but I'm showing as not in any league.
  12. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Same here. The hall is still accessible and it shows as the first item in the Bases & Halls mod (I can also warp to it from the map) as if I was still in, but everything else shows I have no league.
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  13. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    The same thing, all my alts are in the same league, and all of them show that they are without a league, including the character who is the leader of the league...
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  14. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    :( Not funny, Mister Mxyzptlk! I hope this problem will/can be solved soon...
    I have 40 toons without a home and I worked my butt off to create the leaguehalls and gain Prestige

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  15. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Looks like they fixed it.. MotD and everything else started showing up in the middle of gameplay.
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  16. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    Unfortunately I cannot confirm this so far...but I am a patient one...will see
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  17. Shn275 Well-Known Player

    Still leagueless on my end.
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  18. Boston Phantom Well-Known Player

    Boy DCUO really messed up good today.
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  19. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    These "fixes" might be intermittent and dependant upon something else. 2 of my characters are still not showing up in league.
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  20. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    My game bluescreened outta nowhere and the next alt I logged in on is leagueless. Relogged, still leagueless.
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