Missing Gifts and Base Items

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Corwin Quantum, Jul 3, 2024.

  1. Corwin Quantum Active Player

    Over the years we have gotten some nice gifts. 25th Century Communicator, Tom-Bot, and the Spindrift Station Hologram. These are great gifts and a lot of fun. But newer players have no way of getting them now.
    Is there any chance these and other items can be placed on the Fate or Cheetah vendor?
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  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Yes, I'm always about sharing fun stuff.
    There are a lot to choose from. Legends characters, trinkets, styles, and base items. These things could even be used as a 21 day reward for members and that is how they would get transitioned to the Fate Vendor. I'm also for just putting it on there as well.
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Really want the Spindrift Station Hologram to come back. I have a feeling it would be on the Market Place though, but I am fine with that. (I have it, but not being able to get it for more characters sucks. I don't even have it on my water character lol)
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  4. Corwin Quantum Active Player

    And I forgot the Partially Assembled Servo. Skeets controlled by Brainiac.
  5. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    I would love to see the daily login reward from January 2022 enhanced future warden style be added to dr. Fate vendor. missed out on that when i returned from a 6 year reak from the game, came back about 2 years ago.
  6. Raven Nocturnal Devoted Player

    Yes please!

    I've also been asking for such items to return in my thread: Old Trinket Pets (TOM/Servo)

    Especially the ones that never even made an appearance (and thus don't exist) on other platforms such as Xbox.