Up-Votes Needed Missing Feats

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Captain1Dynamo, Aug 26, 2020.

  1. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Anyone else missing Feats? I had over 500 SP, now I have 473. But with so many Feats in so many categories it's damn near impossible to figure out what's missing.
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  2. MrWon Committed Player

    My situation is a little bit different from yours but it should fit here too. One of the chars I'm playing is missing the "Like a Stone" (collect all the Kryptonian styles) feat. When I say missing, I mean completely missing. It's not in the Theme Style feat menu at all (I checked the entire style category like 10x yesterday). Can SS or make a short video of me scrolling through the style section if needed. I'm guessing it has to be something with the CR skip (211)? As I've never seen a bug like this at all when I'm lvling a char from 1. Hopefully the devs see this thread and fix it when they can

  3. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    I don't think it's just about the skip. Feats I'm missing are on my main, which was never a skip. Interestingly I had 473 when I started the thread & now I have 475, so apparently someone noticed something. But there's still a bunch missing.
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Is this character a healer by chance?
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  5. MrWon Committed Player

  6. Berza Committed Player

    Healers have not access to Kryptonian style feat. There is one feat like this for each role, a style that that role can't get.
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  7. MrWon Committed Player

    what is the healer one
  8. Berza Committed Player

    Snake, I think.
  9. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Snake is available to everyone.

    Tank and healers get Heartshard and Seraph.
    Tanks and controllers get Alien Tech and Kryptonian.
    Healers and controllers get Aerial Defender and Talon Lord.
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  10. IonHero Committed Player

    Tanks can get the "Aerial Defender" feat, although the style is only available during the Antimatter Anniversary event for them.
    (I personally believe that Healers should get the "Kryptonian" feat, as they can get the style from the Death of Superman content.)
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  11. Valka Lynx Dedicated Player

    Well yeah, that list was made even before Anniversary event became a thing.

    I think back then some feats were there to encourage switching powersets because I somewhat remember running stuff on my tank, having this feat shown up in the list but not being able to actually collect the style set, though I may be mistaken, it's been a long time.

    Nowadays many styles get re-introduced in one way or another, plus we can unlock most of them with replays.
  12. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    1 character can obtain all these styles, I have done it, just like I have gotten 3/4 of all movement mode race feats. You simply switch powers buy the style or do the races, and then switch back.
  13. Lara Committed Player