Mighty Marvels recruiting XBox One US

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Wickedwillow, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    Mighty Marvels is a NEW casual Hero league on US XBox One for any and all Marvel Comics characters to progress and enjoy the game with drama free mature people. Hate speech, racist or homophobic comments are not allowed there is enough of that trash talk everywhere else on the internet. We are hoping to expand the roster with like-minded adults who just want a place to enjoy the game together. The goal is to be able to progress through PVE old content and new. There is a lot to experience in this game. Prefer somewhat experienced players but willing to help. Alts or doubles are allowed. Play who you want when you want as long as it is a Marvel character.

    Respond here with any questions.
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  2. Spartan Omega New Player

  3. Wickedwillow Well-Known Player

    Someone recently liked this post so just to let you know we are no longer recruiting. The league consists of me myself and I and my numerous alts. You will have better luck with a real league.
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  4. The Bad Guy Well-Known Player

    All of them are your alts?
  5. The Bad Guy Well-Known Player

    If you are interested, The Badguy and his brother are back on X Box and have a Marvel League.