Up-Votes Needed Might went severely down without reason

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Only Forever, Mar 1, 2021.

  1. Only Forever Level 30

    Hello, I have been grinding and grinding the bounties to get the beacons to level up the OP goggles. Before I started to level up from 0 I had 84k might base completely unbuffed (I compulsively check my might every day, I´m 100% sure of this amount), around 87k in 31st Metro. So I am CR 326 leveling up the face, I put it on around the second breakthrough cause it had better stats than the 285 face and continue on. Today I finally finished with the final breakthrough and I go to my stats tab to find that now I have 81k might! Same story with base resto, had 59k base unbuffed and even though the OP goggles have a resto mod, my resto went down to 56k! What in the holy heck is going on here? I even rebought the 285 face in order to check if it was a bug and I even lower still. Please I beg for your help and to review this, how is this even possible? The better the item the less the stats?
  2. Only Forever Level 30

    As a bit of a side note, I recently changed powers from Elec to Sorcery, however this should not be a factor or unless that I am unaware of a 3k plus innate power specific buff?
  3. Cajaritotutututu Well-Known Player

    did u check ur league buffs and augments? (this seems weird)
    Also remember that the stats get buffed up to cr 328 in 31st century metropolis (my alter gets a slight prec buff btw, at cr 327).
    • Like x 1
  4. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Things you can double check:
    Did you accidentally mix up and imprint a piece of support gear/weapon onto your DPS armory?
    Did you accidentally switch from damage role to support role?
    Are your neck mods in place?
    Have you made any recent adjustments with your artifacts?
    Are the batteries in your lair generator full?
    Did any league buffs expire?
    • Like x 1
  5. Only Forever Level 30

    Cajarito! Thanks for the reply. I feel so stupid right now, well half stupid. The league buffs indeed expired HOWEVER might only went back to previous level (before OP goggles), namely 84k. Ive checked everything else that might be screwing with stats and nothing. So the OP item is not OP? haha or does this just happened to me... Im lost rn.
  6. Only Forever Level 30

    Lorax, thanks for the reply!

    Did you accidentally mix up and imprint a piece of support gear/weapon onto your DPS armory?
    Checked every single piece 5 times, still the same DPS or Heal gear, no mixed up pieces.

    Did you accidentally switch from damage role to support role?
    Nope, checked that as well.

    Are your neck mods in place?

    Have you made any recent adjustments with your artifacts?
    Nope, I even got solar amplifier at 200.

    Are the batteries in your lair generator full?
    at 89% each

    Did any league buffs expire?
    Yes! However might only went back to previous level (before OP goggles), namely 84k. So am I to understand that all that grinding and even real money spent was for nothing? Should be a 87k at least. Have no idea whats going on.
  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Were you in a group at any point when you were checking your stats? You have to consider a buff troll can buff your might, another player's EoG at 200 can buff your might, etc.
  8. Only Forever Level 30

    No sir! As I said, I compulsively check my might every day, majority of times while I´m at my base, completely 100% unbuffed. The rank 32 OP face gives 1733 might. Before having it I had 84k and now that I have it I still have 84k! How does that even makes any sense?
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's a logical reason somewhere.