what are top 3, the worst might based powers in game ? for me. 1)water 2)sorcery 3)mental please, kindly, share your opinion. thanks.
might wise, mental has issues and so does sorcery. Actually those power sets have some precision issues also. Water doesn't really belong in the discussion though.
i dont understand why people say water is so bad, i myself have not played it so i cant weigh in on it but from what i have seen water is doin alot of damage, ive seen 10 cr lower players as water out dmg others by huge margins, an with mental its definitly all about the loadout, again i dont use it but a leaguemate of mine is always top dmg with it, sorcery as well is really good from what ive seen, me personally i use sorcery as precision though, circle, soul well, SC generator, weapon buff, Fury and Neo Venom, i thing every power is actually pretty decent, only Celestial seems to have a few issues, plague into divine light seems to not register quite a bit plus during the comboing part your doin no damage an that can hurt in the long run, HL maybe but only because its pretty much handclap spam from what i see now an thats just boring
Water is good because of a few reasons: Call of the Deep. That's it. The thing is, that with the trick with High Tide+Shark followed immediately by Call of the Deep, the supercharge basically always crits....for 800k or more. That's where the damage is coming from. Just check PC test, go water and look at normal parses without your supercharge. They are decent/mediocre but by no means top numbers. As for Sorcery, there are ways to make the melee numbers good, the Single Target DPS is also okay. Ranged AoE sucks badly.
the only thing that works with water is supercharge, speaking of finger breaking contortions, I'll be switching from earth, cause I think I'm getting carpal tunnel syndrome jackhammer really hurts my index finger. hence the thread, tryina find something viable, I think electricity.
Call of the Deep really isn't good, even with the increased crit chance with shark frenzy it will crit for numbers that other 100% supercharges hit consistently so no call of the deep can't make water amazing. I played both water and sorcery and made the best loadouts with both of them and the damage is nothing compared to every other power in game.
I've been using Munitions on my main since it came out. VERY power efficient and of course very competitive on the DPS side. On the troller side no complaints. Just started using Quantum on an alt after a long hiatus from that power. Very pleasantly surprised. Not QUITE as efficient or powerful as Munitions on the DPS side, but still very good. And on the Troll side, IMO, second to none
I think we aren't talking about the same water here or you missed the crits on SF. Call of the Deep is the strongest supercharge in the entire game and it's not even close. I was getting 1mil+ dmg on 8 targets just with CoD back with 32k might where now the base is closer to 40k. There isn't even remotely a supercharge that is as good as CoD on single target because you can have 100% crit chance where supercharges like Big Gun have a much lower crit % chance. The only drawback it has is that its 10000 SC.
Im just saying the overall damage given out by call of the deep even with a crit (which as I said is still only an increased chance with the shark frenzy thing) sure is high burst but other supercharges such as Grand Summoning hit that hard and you dont need the crit. Oblivion hits that hard if not harder... You need to hit Calll of the Deep at the perfect time and get super lucky for it to match other supercharges that are 100%. So yes the only thing decent about water is the fact that its an instant high damage 100% super nothing else.
how would you compare CoD to Oblivion ? I know on adds latter is really good, but doesn't it perform few ticks on ST ? with max EoG, won't you be getting really nice damage purely cause of oblivion ticks? plus you can cancel animation and just continue your rotation too.