Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Multiverse Creator League

    Already we had a gap when they went from the 3 month cycle to the one month cycle. Can't recall if the gap was 3 months or more.
    But lets say it was 3 months.

    You would think that during that gap they could have had a few episodes in the can ready to go....
    but no.
    Seeing how they quickly fell off the wagon with the monthly content...... it did not seem like the had many episodes in the can after the gap.

    So it is hard to believe that the 4 to 6 months gap we may have will be any better to make a BIGGER episode.

    I don't think they are switching back to bigger episode because they listened to the fans.
    It is pretty obvious now that they just could not keep the pace of monthly content.

    Whenever they add an episode to the game..... they pretty much end up breaking a bunch of stuff in the game and need to work extra to try and fix all the things that went wrong with a new update.

    The monthly content meant breaking the game every month..... so needing to work extra every month to fix the game.

    As opposed to adding content every 3 months means needing to fix the game every 3 months instead.

    It's a bit more complicated then that.... but trying to keep things simple. ;)
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    They just don't seem able to keep up with releasing monthly content.

    To keep it simple....
    Whenever they add a new episode to the game.... they end up breaking the game a little meaning they have to work extra to fix what they broke with the new episode.

    Updating the game every month meant breaking the game every month.... so needing to work extra every month.

    Updating the game every 3 months means breaking the game every 3 months ..... so needing to work extra every 3 months to fix the game.

    So the monthly episodes meant roughly 3 times as much work to fix the game.

    There probably are other reasons....
    but pretty sure it boils down to monthly content being too much extra work then the team could handle.
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  3. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    There was no gap, Bombshells came out 3mo after Hall of Power II came out just like it would have it they had not gone to monthly content.
  4. Multiverse Creator League


    Or maybe it does make them more money..... but they just can't keep up with whatever extra work they get thanks to a monthly schedule??
  5. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    All sounds great IMHO, lets just hope that the wait for episode 27 proves to be worthy and not lackluster.
  6. Multiverse Creator League

    I don't think most really forgot how it was before.

    But it seems fairly obvious that the Devs just could not keep up with the monthly release of content.

    So I don't think the Devs are going back to BIG content because "the players asked for it".

    I think they just could not keep up the pace of the monthly content.

    As for the "alternate progression"....... we will have to wait and see what it actually means.
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  7. Multiverse Creator League

    The 3 months was the Gap.

    Are you telling me it took them 3 months to make 2 missions???
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  8. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Is it delayed because you want to release those features together?(Like one delayed because the other one would not be ready at that time) If so have you considered releasing style unlocking alone first?
  9. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    ACROBAT in full run taps (Space bar) to do a KONG VAULT. At ground level the Kong Vault vaults over obstacles or contacts the ground as with CHEETAH'S FERAL LUNGE and can end in forward roll AND THEN/OR go back to full run. IT IS MORE OF A FORWARD JUMP THAN AN UPWARD JUMP. If (Space Bar) is held on first tap instead of a zip-line the character can borrow the animation from a free falling SuperSpeed runner with hands and feet flailing through the air until it reaches the ground or a building or whatever where it will land on it's feet and continue running or cling to said building. If scaling a wall it will cause the character to leap up the wall. (Space Bar) 2x held second time on a wall will result in scaling zip-line. Tapping (Space bar) 2x does the front flip as before. Tapping (Space Bar) 2x holding second time for glide or zipline. (This also will eliminate zipline when not wanted since (Space Bar) must be hit again and held for zipline or gliding) If gliding already releasing (Space Bar) finishes front flip to landing on feet. Continued forward movement results in roll to full run as before.
  10. Unida Dedicated Player

    there are some good things here, but wow at 6 months without new DLC content.

    anyone remember the multiple months in the shift to monthly? that decimated the game population - and now we're talking at least 6 months.... yes at least, as 'early next year' was tacked on there.

    TBH im not sure the game in the current state has the durability, nor the community the patience, to last that long with so little happening and i can imagine subbers taking a vacation until december/jan - and longer term subbers wondering what the point is. is the open episodes a prop for conversion of casuals to subbers during the time when subbers will likely be falling off the cliff? seems like it to me.

    I think we could handle 6 months if things like water, rebalancing, pvp improvements, weapons etc were all staggered but it looks like most are rolling into EP27 or near the end of the year.

    Maybe i missed it, but where are the highlights for interest between August and potentially .....2017?
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  11. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Regardless of how long it took them to make two missions, HoP2 was designed for a three-month cycle so it would have been stupid to release better gear straight in the next month. Apart from that, they definitely didn't just work on Bombshells in those 3 months, they worked on the next few episodes too because the development lifecycle for new episodes isn't as simple as designing, making and releasing two instances within a month. The team works on multiple pieces of content parallel to each other.
    I remember back when we had quarterly releases they said that they would always work on three episodes at the same time - release one, implement the next, design the one after that. Just because they split up episode releases to be monthly doesn't mean that there is less work to do, just that it's more staggered.
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  12. Yui Loyal Player

    Hmmm....I might start playing again when Episode 27 hits.

  13. rolando nacanna Well-Known Player

    finally i can turn back to the game,i really hated monthly content and the gear race.thanks guys
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  14. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    The game went down hill partially because of that, it's not hard to get sp now and the real question is, what was the point of creating them in the first place if they aren't going to be highly useful?

    sp should be highly valuable.
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  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I know ppl may not like free players getting content but this can balance of getting new subscribers while the already subscribers leave with in 6 months.
    All the vets that was here b4 GU 47 always said they rather for the game to be fixed or revamp than to create new content or powers that is broken.
    I do like monthly content and wished it stayed but this is VERY understandable that they went away from this. Fixing the game internally is a lot better than trying to satisfy player with lack luster content for cr that still don't even understand the game.

    Glad stats matter making a come back, I know this will make CR players mad cause now they have to put in effort to get better, and if they leave due to stats matter then o well, I got to burnt out with player thought they new what they was doing but really didn't.

    I really do hope this will bring back player from pre GU 47. We really need them, cause the new player base was just ridiculous.
  16. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    If ppl have low sp with in the next 6 months should be ashamed of themselves as players. I know with in 6 months I gotta hunt for sp in PvP.

    One thing I want to say is, if ppl with low sp quit with in 6 months just to comeback to play high level content they will get rip for it so they better start hunting now or get kicked in the future
  17. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Before my break I got 20sp in 2 months, that was scrapping at the last easy feats I had, I have 235sp atm, but it's very easy to get to 210sp now these days, I LFG pugged 90% in the last year of my feats, and I only played a few hours a day not even everyday. It just shows what can be done with a little effort outside the box.
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    What i dont understand is why it will take so long to go back to quarterly releases. Every stream i see loche in he says he is 6 month in the future and they are 6 months ahead of whats on live. This has been stated multiple times. Soooo it takes almost that amount of time to develop a dlc? Imo it doesnt add up.

    Wouldnt it be nice to have a time machine and be able to go back to a year ago before gu47 :p Idk about everyone else but the game is 5yrs old and imo it just seems like the last year has been wasted because almost everything that was done will be undone. To me 5yrs in that shouldnt be happening.

    Btw pvp, SM, seasonals and lpve are all free content. Yet people are saying do these things during the break. Ok but why sub then? U know the game needs $ to keep going right? I find it hard to believe the game is doing that well financially to lose subs and replays for close to 6 months and be ok. Just my opinion. And if they are doing that well then how come there hasnt been an investment into the MP like a ton of people have asked for?
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  19. TO_PROFESIONAL Active Player

    Now I'm feeling kinda dumb for getting the 1 year membership almost 5 months of nothing new
    great :mad:
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  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

    this letter is a sl4p in the f4ce, no way iam keeping my sub for 6 months for playing SM/LPVE/PVP, be prepared to notice a major drop in legendary memberships.
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