Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    I was trying to say what you said, so for the confusion.
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  2. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    The gap from EP26 to EP27 (Amazon Fury III) should not look like a bad thing. Just try to step back and truly look at the all the positive things that CAN come from it. To help all of you out that have claimed the Sky is falling I have made a list for you.

    1) Replay Badge spamming is not need for the next couple of months
    a. You will not have to spam the life out of replay badges when EP 27 drops we will all have enough time to achieve the conative weapon box, along with the rest of those purple pieces.

    2) Leveling up alts
    a. We all have time to get our alts geared up so when (AF III) comes out. I know of a lot of people who have had their toons stuck in the lower tiers, due to the constant rat race with monthly content. This gap gives us time to fix that, and I think the long run make the community stronger. For example I have an Atomic toon who is an tier six and needs A LOT of skill points to be an effective Tank, I will now have the time way from the CR race to gear him up and have the skill points that most of us would like

    3) Skill Points
    a. While some of you are rolling your eye saying you have enough SP, A Lot of people who never come on the forums are lacking in that department, and before we get Stats Matter, we can begin the SP hunting begin

    4) Recovery Kits
    a. While this news does not fix the missing EPK we should all agree that this gap buys us time to hunt for those ERK in PVP

    5) SM
    a. While I do not play much SM this will ease the pain some of you all have. I also think it is not a stretch to think even more people will be playing SM since it will be new and different.

    6) Base Items
    a. (Stop rolling your eye ) Again speaking for just me I welcome the time spent on “*******” out my base and with the Iceberg Lounge base items added I now have that chance.
    b. There is also some feat that comes with base items that people don’t have.

    Yes, it will suck not to have new content for a while but I’m not ready to write this game off just because they are trying to go in a different direction. When AF III comes out near the end of the year we may all go OMG this was worth the wait, or WTF you had all the time and we got this.
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  3. light FX Steadfast Player

    The gains u get from 250 compared to 270sp is so small its meaningless. Literally meaningless. 225 might is not doing anything. Especially with cr differential. Even when stats matter. Which we dont even know when that is really happening. It could be a year from now even. And a lot of players dont care about certain feats anymore because of what happened with gu47. They think "why do this? What if they make another change where sp mean even less then they do now?" Yea stats matter will make sp matter more. But at any time another change could make them matter less. And with the way this game seems to change every 6 months to a year then some of us dont care about having max sp. U can see my sp on my toons in my sig. The 254 on my main i did do all of those obviously. The rest on the alts i unlocked 90% of those then gu47 happened. How does that saying go? Fool me once....
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  4. ParadoxVanguard Well-Known Player

    Lots of good in this. My main disappointment is the fact Water may not come 2017 i dont want it to b rush at all but I am going to say this. Water better be the best launched power period. They taking so long with it makes it seem like its a episode within itself. But seriously at this rate Water wouldnt even need to go on test its been months since it was announced and months inbetween water and atomic making it the longest power to be released there should be barely any issues with it at all.
  5. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    To be honest even after "stat matter" SP really wont if you look at the break down of your stats you will see that for the average player only about 5% of your stats come from SP and 90% come from your gear. Yes if you are pushing 270sp then that percent gets closer to 9%, but the more you do (like modding and use buff sodas) the less and less SP matter even if stats were "king".

    This is kind of a huge programming change the will make very little in-game difference. I personally am tired of them doing things like this that make huge time sinks for them for very little to no gamer side impact.
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  6. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    This does, of course, depend on what happens in the revamp.
    As of right now SP actually are more important than ever, being effectively percentage based in the CR system.
    Meanwhile, I'm curious to see what happens. I do hope there isn't a return of exponential stats. And I hope the power creep is addressed at the root. The potency of stats needs to be looked at.
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  7. Gucciana Committed Player

    i dont have selective amnesia ....i remember all to well how it all worked........but in my opinion that kind of content was so much better than this pile of **** they have been feeding you guys for almost 2 years now
  8. light FX Steadfast Player

    So wait wait, good players who run together with their league or friends arent "real players"? I guess all the $ ive spent on this game isnt real either. :confused::rolleyes:
  9. metalfenix Committed Player

    I'm glad to see monthly content going away. I really liked the announcements today :)
  10. Tanksblaze Well-Known Player

    You're right we can do a lot to kill time. But doing some of those things are mad boring. They could add a instance or two while we wait. They need to figure out that they need to make the game to keep people playing. All the cash grabs in the game put a lot of people off.

    Its more than just the wait. What we have now is just not enough for a good amount of people. The devs say they are about to try and make it better...... We will see.
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  11. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Yes that is very true, I for one hope that the weapons balance is taking so long because they are redoing the weapon trees making changes for when they pass the "stats matter" update increasing some of the innates values and the like.
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  12. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    They should add a couple of open world quests of some sort. I'd make a combination of things that already exist, like taking out a certain number of magents, hallucinations, soul reapers and brainiac minions. Or mini-instances where you stop a robbery after an alarm goes off at the police stations. I can think of several ways to utilize existing content into fresh challenges. If you make completion of each one a feat, then people are also working toward more skill points.
  13. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    i'd much rather prefer MASSIVE updates every 6 months or so, with regular small updates/game fixes in between.
  14. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    I hope so lol.
  15. Scrub Well-Known Player

    Cant wait for the "I got kicked for having low sp" threads when ep 27 comes out even when people will def have time to farm now.
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  16. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    No I hadn't realized that Movement mode variants were completely off the table as you say but that's fine because this is not about a variant it's a about a suggested change to the current Acrobat Movement Mode that are probably easier to implement than the different character animations for grenade and dart throws in Gadgets. This is a thread about what they are going to do...soon and what we think about it. I think all the things they are planning are great ideas. This is a great idea too, regardless of how long it may take them to implement it or if they will will at all I still must continue to suggest it until they see it and confirm that it will or will not be done.
  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not sure if u saw this. Was almost 2 months ago and its clearly not finished. It was on test and idek if its still there in this form. Im guessing the final version may look very different. I didnt even wanna post it on here but its been on yt for almost 60 days so its not like people cant go see it. Imo it could be a cool map with how it looked here. Guessing the stone/checkerboard look will be gone and maybe harley has the suicide squad look from the new movie.
  18. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    I would agree with this IF (and this is a big if) there was something else to do in-game that would bring daily appeal. The main issue that i see the Devs are running into is there is content for gear and nothing else. Even SP are mostly tied to that same content. There are no mini-games or dynamic events to lose yourself in. If I could spend a day running around metro stopping random robberies or chasing 3rd rate villains in a race challenge. Then I would not mind a slower release of content but when all you have is content you have to release it more often.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Okay so I think this is a great step in the right direction. monthly episodic content in itself meant well but I have to feel that it is half of what is driving the "rat race feel" it felt like you always had to be logged in to keep up with the most relevant content and if you even took a week off you'd fall behind.

    I have to wonder whether this in itself also helped create an issue with replay badges, it made people feel like they had to spam them in whatever the latest content was rather than just pacing themselves over a three month cycle.

    That's the thing when you have three months to do something you can pick and choose when to do it, you might do burst weekends and use replays and then disappear for 2 weeks or a month, even and you won't fall behind.

    This is a massive step in the right direction it really is and I think it will help alleviate a lot of the symptoms the game itself is suffering from i.e. burnout.

    To add to this particular section I think people will no doubt be upset about the fact there is no content for 4-6 months while we go back to quarterly content and this will be a risk but I think this can be alleviated as you say by other things, my ideas would be along the lines you've suggested.
    • keep pushing game updates as often as possible
    • make sure events are running on time
    • keep running survival modes
    • maybe GM's and/or devs could be active over this period running in game events etc. to help keep entertainment going.
    ultimately though this is best for the game what you're doing.

    speaks for itself really.

    This is more a statement of fact, I'm not sure I really need to address this point. Adding the 4th colour is appreciated and the other items you've successfully navigated through are certainly worth commending you for.

    Good the longer this carries on the more damaging it is to the game, at least there is some sort of time frame if albeit a bit long for my liking it is better to have a goal than to wallow in the unknown, even if the target might be 6 months.

    I'm glad here that you're saying they will remain a topic. I'm not confident that after you're done there will be balance. There will still be powers I feel will be FOTM and not balanced when compared to each other.

    This is even more important when it comes to PVP. People want to succeed and dominate in PVP and when there is a power out of balance people will flock to whatever is most powerful and easiest not because they want to play that power but because it allows them to unfairly beat other players not based upon their skill level only the power they've chosen.

    I know you're not ready to share more information yet. I hope this changes because if it's not "best gear in vendor" then I truly am curious as to what your ideas are that you think will alleviate the pains that come from solely from the RNG model that we all despise.

    It's difficult to feel completely relaxed here about this particular topic when you don't know the details and therefore apprehension but for now I will give this a little while longer to see what you come up with, I will express though that patience is running out with this particular issue. It is a significant point in this game that is driving me away more than almost any other.

    I know there will be many people disappointed with this, however, I've never been a fan of releasing broken powers or powers that aren't balanced when they come out. No one wants a cycle of continual water buffs and nerfs really.

    There are plenty of powers in this game to try so delaying water until other parts of the game are working is satisfactory and ideal.

    I am looking forward to this particular feature however I imagine it's simply taking a bit longer to implement than you may have realised given all other aspects you're working on within the game, or have to work on.

    The only thing I'd like to see is "league alliances" where leagues can work together if they form an alliance so that you can "donate prestige to the other leagues" amongst other things I'm sure.
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  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Way way way way way way overdue, thank you.

    I just want to say, please make sure there is serious thought put in to the stats of the gear i.e. "toughness" and "health" lets not end up in a place again where in open world PVP no one is wearing PVP gear because PVE gear so easily destroys the player through AM one shots. If you're not going to release PVP gear as rapidly as PVE then make it last.

    Great idea if done correctly, time will tell. Please I love DCUO so make some missions that make people have to implement their support roles.

    I understand why you're doing this I really do, I just fear that it'll just encourage new players to skip the story mode rather than just be utliized by people making alts. It will therefore be even more crucial that your early leveling missions adequately teach a player the game so that they don't end up in T8 content asking what "PoT" means.

    Sounds like a great marketing plan to get people to either subscribe and or buy content. Interesting.
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