Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Graviton Well-Known Player

    I'm not concerned with what others have or get. Doesn't bother me , especially knowing they will have 2 weeks until reset. Keeping up with the Jones' is not good to practice in or out of a game. It's that way now anyways. I have friends that got OP gear in 1 run while it took me 20 bucks in replays to get. I enjoy my car even though my neighbor's is nicer.
  2. Taxman New Player

    Past performance is the best indication of future behavior. You're clearly more optimistic than me. While it is a "step back just for a little while," the world does not pause while SOE gathers itself and DC sits idle. Based on the discussions I've heard in game and with leaguemates, people are looking for a way to fill the 6 month gap. That's a big problem. Even if the game comes back and it's super awesome, they need to figure out how to keep people engaged in the interim.
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  3. Leafy Committed Player

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  4. Eternity's_Girl Committed Player

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  5. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    SM, Stats matter pvp fixies Mid_range finished, Seasonal Events, it may not be enough idk i can't speak for everyone, but just have to wait and see.
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  6. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

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  7. Gucciana Committed Player

    NOOOOOO 3 month content all the way
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  8. Dr Nastiobous Well-Known Player

    There's gotta be more attention put on Legends PVP, more of them like at least 4or 5 new ones more maps and please fix Flash at some point, he just stupid.
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  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    I'm not a PS player, but I know the Population took a pretty sharp drop after GU 47.
  10. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    This as well
  11. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    What's fresh and new about rehashed areas? Also where are the numbers for all these "new" players at? I was honestly thinking about getting rid of my account but this new news show promise. I will even leave my sub running to show I support the new plan.

    Also if it was working why are they switching it up then?
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  12. TestReporter Loyal Player

    You are lucky to live in a world where u have the freedom of speech, otherwise i would just tell someone to torture u, jk (obviouslly).
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  13. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Obviously it wasn't making them more money
  14. Gucciana Committed Player

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  15. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    I'm very happy about all the developments to look forward to! WATER, Skip Tutorial, Style unlocking, more content less often is better for me. All in all just great great stuff. DCUO is the only MMO I play and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Still wondering about the MOVEMENT MODE VARIANTS. Are they on the back burner or a completely scratched project.

    I'm certain that by now you Developers have seen my ideas for an ACROBAT REVAMP. NO? Well here you go!

    I would like a revamp of our current acrobatics movement. The run is fine but I'd like the jump (Space bar) to be replaced with a KONG VAULT like this


    The animation is already in game with Cheetah's Feral Lunge.


    Tapping space bar 2x gives you a front filp which is great the way it is.
    However RAG (Rocket Assisted glide) and glide in general should look more like this IMO



    As you can see the feet are together and the wings, if your character wears wings are uniform instead of lop-sided.
    This is also already in the game because it is the front flip (Space Bar 2X) about midway through the animation. Not only does it look better IMO but also it would make for a smoother transition. The way ACROBATIC GLIDE banks slower, rises and falls and it's inability to hover are fine. After all it's not flight, it's gliding!
  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I personally think it depends entirely on how progression is going to be handled.

    A lot of people have selective amnesia when it comes to quarterly content. They seem to have forgotten the fact that basically every episode died within the first month of the quarter and for the next 2 months, leagues became barren as people got bored and left to play other games.

    Everyone assumes that quarterly content is instantly better and of a high quality, remembering fondly Amazon Fury Part 2, but completely ignoring tripe like DLC9 which had 3 instances and DLC10 which had no raids and the same Duo, but in reverse order.

    Quarterly DLCs sucked in most cases. But that's because of how progression was handled. Which is the exact same way it's handled now.

    If progression truly is being overhauled completely, then maybe Quarterly episodes will be a good thing for the game. But if it's the same old trash masked as something new, much like all the recent changes to the loot system from DLC9 and beyond, then no. It'll be dire and do more damage to the game than good.

    Brace yourselves for the next few months when there's very little content to run between Episode 26 and Episode 27. That'll give you a taste of what months 2 and 3 are like on the Quarterly model.
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  17. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Too many issues with Monthly content.
    No just no. 3 month cycle=No rat race

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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    Yea i play both. Nature 100% is worse off for dps compared to quantum.
  19. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It's an MMO. It's an elaborate Skinner box. It's ALL a rat race. This just means those of us that are faster can make the gap larger. I'm not looking forward to the two month doldrums between new releases. The dropoffs are going to start swinging a lot harder, like they did before. Sigh.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    I would guess most quit if they stay will cr differential. Most players dont like it and want it to go back to pre gu47. Cr differential has caused a ton of issues in this game.
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