Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    there are many players with over 160 sp, many with more than 200 who can not do better than a guy with 40sp and the "best power of this month" and that's not fair, players who made their skill points over the years have to have some return, the game was not originally made for lazy, rather than cancel, go do skill points too, is that the game originally dealing.

    Many great news today, remove the differential is one of the great end of the monthly episode, only big news, Developers congratulations, you guys are on the right track.
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  2. NuclearQueen Active Player

    So, more league ideas; Interactive League Hall items! Not sure what kind yet, all my league says is like, you press a button, and snow falls in the hall or something, that'd be fun. And framing screenshots as paintings in the Hall would be awesome too. And being able to change the shape and colors of base items
  3. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    A little bit disappointed with a few things, but I'm actually impressed with most.

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  4. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    This is Totally Untrue. PC Never Died...They Merged PS/PC To Better populate Both Sides. It really Annoys me when PS players Downtalk PC
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  5. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It's a lot to ask of players to once again trust that the devs have a plan just look at the shape the game is in now . Do you honestly believe that we'll get have this stuff next year we're still waiting on Grood and he was promised back in 2015 . It's good if you have fath in them but I need more then a few post from Mepps.
  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    we all can agree that grodd didn't happen, 2015 wasn't the greatest year but tell me have they not kept any promises since jan 2016?
    idk about yall but i said my peace, i am not saying trust them you chose what you want to do, but to be fair if you play the game you already trust them to keep the server on don't you? ;)
  7. Roocck Committed Player

    Like I said, well see what happens. I was around when stat mattered, and I do remember that alot of players were not able or almost impossible to get into any groups for alerts or raids because of your sp not high enough therefore asked to leave or be kicked. People started to get fraustrated and tired of getting bashed from higher sp players. DCUO started to be bored with ignorent players. When AM and CR came to the game everyone with high or low sp were able to get into alerts and raids having an equal opportunity keeping up with other players. Once stat matters and CR is removed it'll be the same old days, getting kicked or not accepted by higher sp players. Lol thats going to be FUN.... :)
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  8. HoiiowDreamz Dedicated Player

    I don't want to derail this thread, but villain side PC was dead before server merge. I sat in t5/t6 alert queue's for like 4-5+ hours with roles optional on and nothing popped. HoD was the same 40-50 people with barely 10 ppl sitting at ps. LFG was basically non-existent besides the last alert. Broker was empty to the point I only saw like 3-4 pages of RED exos, RED. The exo that's in demand the most barely has 3 pages when PS normally had 10+. PC villain was unpleasantly hard to progress before the merge and the chats and economy were non-existent for the most part.
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  9. Graviton Well-Known Player

    I respect your opinion but disagree with it. I sub monthly so do both of my sons. My wife let hers lapse though since she only gets on 2-3 times a month. Now she can play with us. I have friends with whom I can run with more , thus keeping me as a paying customer satisfied and more likely to spend even more time playing. This could help many others stay now they will have more people to play with and talk to ingame.
  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Annnnd i'm going on a break.
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  11. Graviton Well-Known Player

    Hi Mepps , does this mean we could start seeing a more balanced alert to raid ratio in dlc's? Waiting to find a second healer or tank is getting to be a nightmare. It's nice being able to get a group for an alert in mere seconds.
  12. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    It sounds all well and good till a legendary player gets all green gear and a non member gets an OP drop in a raid.
  13. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    They might want to look into expansions... very large ones... that last 3 - 5 months... without accounting for much replayability.

    60 hrs... too much?
  14. The Anxient Loyal Player

    No. They're minimizing the benefits of subscription. I could buy the lair and utility belt systems and the only thing I wouldn't have by letting my sub drop is unlimited cash.
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  15. UnbreakableII Well-Known Player

    Monthly content was the worst idea brought to the game, I came here several times to negatively criticize this way, to claim the cr to talk about my disappointment with developers.
    Today I see that you finally got it right, just great news, just read good proposals, congratulations, that great atuitude. :D
    Today I come here to praise, because you guys have earned every word of support.
    I see that the new players (and maybe 1 or 2 vets) who disapprove, but the vast majority, especially the oldest in the game, longed for this news. ;)
    You will have some criticism, players would like just that reach cr and have an unbalanced power was enough to be able to play and stand out as having a cr was all but will be few, there are also those who think that this is a racing game and you have to have everything made styles, collections all in the same day, they are too few, but they will forgive them.
    Today I come here to say: THANK YOU, THANK YOU AND THANK YOU, without criticism, without complaints. :D :D :D

    You really hit, congratulations!
  16. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    There is a balance issue here and the devs address it but they address in the wrong way. There needs to be a more effective balance because this game is tore up from the floor up.
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  17. FixBayonets New Player

    If you're going to have a break could I please suggest adding additional content not requiring updates be included. New Legend characters or maps would be nice, but what the loyal fan base would really like to see is the ability to achieve more feats. There needs to be a goal or motivation to login and grind.

    While I've had that motivation for years in DCOU if I lose that motivation for more than 3 weeks I've moved onto something more shiny or worse and found a life in the real world Nobody wants that... especially the not the real world.

    Even if they're fake feats that we think are real it would take us about 4 weeks of grinding to catch on.
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  18. Graviton Well-Known Player

    Plus the faster resets. Progression would be pretty slow.
  19. bagofboom Committed Player

    This Raccoon keeps getting into the trash cans out back by the garage.
    We've used cinder blocks, ropes and other methods to keep them out but these boogers are crafty. At least 4 times a week I'll go out back and have to clean up garbage.
    I was told to pour bleach in the cans and that would keep them away but now we just have blonde raccoons.
    Oh the humanity.
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  20. Sgt Bombero Committed Player

    Keeps the game fresh and new. This has set us apart from other games and mmo's. You got players back because of it, gained new players because of it..... Now u want to change it back to 3 months plus. WHY? Bad business on both ends..for yourselves as well as the players. DONT DO IT. Leave it alone.
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