Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    There really is a difference and it mind boggles me how so many of you do not se it.

    There will be months of no progression aside from the heavily flawed pvp but that doesn't start anytime soon. Do they reallt expect this to be ok to people? Just because it's ok to you doesn't mean anything to me because those are your feelings, not anyone elses. If people feel like this is a bad idea, it probably is.

    This game is not like how it used to be way back then so it's terrible idea to treat it as if it were. People are tired of the Devs mistakes and this absence of content is another mistake people are going to backlash at and the Devs are not going to like it one bit. But everyone reaps what they sow

    You need a cease in new content for 4 to 5 months to do that? I didn't know that.
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  2. AdaptiveAndroid Well-Known Player

    Nature has it worse. I'm quantum and do decent with it.
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  3. Blight KOBRA Commander

    Happy to hear about the upcoming Deadshot inspired gear, but bummed to learn we probably won't see Water powers, alternative character progression, and style and gear unlocking until next year.
  4. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    And that "balance" is primarily for DPS roles because they got tired of no SP people beating them.
  5. Morally Upright Well-Known Player


    Am I wrong, or does this basically boil down to the smart play being to cancel your sub and only renew it whenever a large content drop hits twice a year? It sounds like everything else has either been pushed to next year or outright cancelled, but hey! they've added something to the marketplace as a consolation!

    Am I missing something here?
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  6. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    We all now have time to craft a full set before EP27
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  7. LT Schmitt Dedicated Player

    Is it me or has anyone seen this gap as a good thing for our alts. I for one now have no excuse to get my Alts up to speed with SP and Gear.
  8. Coelha Well-Known Player

    Don't say that Ully :(, 3month cycle is so cool, the only thing that bothers me is the wait time between episode 26 and 27, except for that...
    They might want to put players back in PvP before fixing it, to see how it impacts the community directly, i really hope they do a pvp update soon :).
  9. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    What are you talking about? It took 41 days. The test server date doesn't count. We got episode 24 on may 19th and didn't get ep25 until June 29th. Thats crazy for just one quick[mostly rehashed] alert and one new solo which people got bored of after a couple days.
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  10. bmce84 Loyal Player

    If it was made permanent then they really need to revamp All Access, what's the point of subbing if all content is free, shorter lockouts?, we already have replay badges for that, and as it is being a member doesn't feel as rewarding as it did before.
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  11. megamanzero Loyal Player

    some neat news but also disappointed that the already announced features were tabled or postponed for newer announced features. is this the pattern?

    1) announce some new toys
    2) spend a lot of time making them
    3) postpone or cancel plans for the new toys while announcing other new toys
    4) ????
    5) profit
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  12. megamanzero Loyal Player

    the solo didn't even last a day for me. n__n
  13. bmce84 Loyal Player

    It will be a long wait guys, and you know what just go ahead and cancel your sub and leave until AF 3, they know it's a long wait and we know it too, but as it is now the game isn't worth the whole month of content we currently get, most already have all the gear from RiT, and it's feats, same of the solo and duo, and well everyone now has 6 months to finish DWF. It's a long wait for hey other games take a year to release content, and some don't even bother giving out information. And yeah I know this thread means probably silence until the next episode release, then the long 5 months silence until AF 3, but at least we know they have a good reason this time (really most times it makes no sense to just stay quit about issues with the game).
  14. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    I think people bring up a valid point with this huge risk but its probably for the better.
    this could mean quality of life things like stability being worked on and that pesky invisibility bug and other bugs being fixed.
    I hope the rolling glitch is fixed both in PvP and PvE.

    Now for my Feedback.

    Overall liking what I'm hearing. But hearing doesn't mean I am guaranteed to like what I see come to fruition.
    It seems much better for your personal health as you guys were crunching like hell and that's not healthy at all.
    Monthly content seemed to be a mistake and poor Nerd seemed to really be stressed out as well as the other guys.

    For Midrange weapons, power balance and water.

    Absolutely understandable as to why things were delayed but hopefully this gets done properly with both game modes in mind.
    Nature and Electricity are in a dire state for dos and need addressing ASAP. Both the Flora and Fauna AM for Nature will need special attention.
    Electricity will need some design problems fixed as well as some burst added into their AM, that either refreshes dots or makes the dots go into overdrive.

    Side Note on weapons:
    I'm curious to see how this also affects legends PvP. I can already see Catwoman and Cheetah being absurdly strong especially after the last mishap with the weapons in GU47.
    I hope Arena PvP is counted for in this update too. Weapons like Bow, 1 Handed, 2 Handed, Dual Pistols, Staff need major attention in arenas.
    That doesn't mean to have them absurdly strong but have them balanced out.

    Sorcery and Earth:
    I hope Pets are going to be might and precision based with this Stats Matter and Stat Revamp thing going on.
    also hope that they get a meaningful update to their supplemental might damage. They need it badly.

    Stats Matter, Stat Revamp, CR Differential Removal
    I'm glad that you are going to be looking into the stats and I hope you guys look into skill points and stat potency.
    Thank goodness you are removing CR Differential! :D
    I do look forward to see where mods will stand. If they are going to matter more than they do now, then paint me actually gaining interest again in PvE.

    My one question remains.. what about CR Relevancy.. will this be removed? If so, Thank you!
    If not... ugh..


    I'm glad this is being expanded. My question is for solos and duos.
    Will there be at least 3 solos and and more Open World with missions (not the monotonous ones) that are engaging?
    Will we get more Duo Operations or base centric duos? Will duos have a rare chance to drop good gear?

    All in all I'm very excited to hear this. This also seems to be better for your health overall.
    less stress on your bodies. Crunching is not good and I hope you never do it again.
    it takes time which I'm willing to wait for. Gives me time to shake off the rust in PvP.


    I really hope that there's a Role Balancing Pass in the plan, as well as the new gear and map being released.
    Deadshot gear style sounds awesome. A scrimmage map: Belle Reve, I'm liking it.
    just throw in a role balancing and fix some issues like the roll glitch.
    And please look into adding RPS back into PvP.

    Very happy about PvP getting attention

    Open Content:

    THANK YOU. I've always been a firm believer of content being available for everyone without a paywall to access it.
    It seems pretty promising to premiums which have been shafted too many times to count on my fingers and toes.


    I really don't know where to stand on the power leveling to level 25 token.. on one hand, it does help with the retention problem.
    On the other hand, it may be problematic unless you are working on tutorials that actually matter such as:
    Counter Mechanics, AM's, Weapons, Support Roles.
    If those are part of the pre or post level 30 things being worked on, awesome.

    the pre and post level 30 missions being expounded upon is music to my ears and good for both the longevity of the game and the population who play on multiple alts. Please make sure you give villains unique content
    They need love too and in end game they really see no real focus which doesn't allow for much villain side population growth

    All in All, its got its fair share of ups and Downs.
    The fear unlocking and style unlocking is a big blow for now to potential revenue and to player morale.
    Water not being released yet was a heartbreaker for me and imagine thousands of others.

    Gotta see how the rest of the initiatives play out.
    I'm looking forward to seeing this.

  15. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Meant in episode 27.
  16. Roocck Committed Player

    We'll see how many are going to cancel subscription once the (BS) stat matters and CR removal is released. Ill be the first, will enjoy untill that happens. I guess now is a good time to start looking for another MMO. Afterall there might be a hand full of people playing with 160sp+. Atleast thats I hope would happen and maybe theyll go back to CR. :)
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  17. killercomic Dedicated Player

    Are we going to have to wait until December for a T8 Daily?
  18. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Well let this be a lesson to all of you who get on the forums and blindly ask for things without thinking thru what it actually would mean for the game. How did you not expect a huge gap in content switching back to (what we think is) quarterly content? Please think about the logically outcome of your request before coming on the forums.
  19. Telos Usr Dedicated Player

    I did actually read your entire reply but can we focus on one part im almost inclined to take as insulting for a sec:

    "Just because its ok to you doesnt mean anything to me because those are your feelings, not anyone elses. If people feel like this is a bad idea, it probably is."

    I dont know if this was just worded badly but you realise this pretty much translates to; your opinion doesnt matter but everyone elses does. If my opinion didnt matter to you then with all respect, why are you replying to it in the first place? In a discussion every opinion is supposed to "matter", whether you agree with it or not, and if it "doesnt matter" then its a complete waste of both parties time to reply to it at all.

    Assuming it was a mistake of sentence structure and giving my view of your points because they do matter;

    PVP changes are not a year away, they're a month. The new season begins in August.

    Progression is relative. If you're max CR and max SP, well theres a new map and new gear with new pvp feats to hunt. But yeah it will drag, but thats a very very small portion of the community. Not that they dont count, but they will have things to do. GU's dont always just bring fixes. Who knows, maybe some will even actually train new league members because from what ive seen, most are so clueless they refuse to walk through a door in a duo without someone in front of them and KO in seconds against easy adds. If not, nows the time to max out your character.
  20. RyderSM Well-Known Player

    You mean aside from the Iceberg Lounge? Yes the next one will be December or January, assuming the content pack has a solo in it. Not all of them did in the past. If not it'll be Julyish.
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