Work In Progress Mid-Year Development Update: Announcing Large Content Releases, Open Episodes, and Summer Plans

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 5, 2016.

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  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Get over it. People are going to leave. At least when new content does finally come everyone will be fully geared for it and all your friends will come back.
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  2. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Yes but still not 6 MONTHS
  3. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I don't mind them switching back to quarterly content that's a wonderful idea but people should not have to wait 4-5 months while it happens. We didn't have to wait that long for them to switch to episodes, did we? Absolutely not.

    Releasing any power has always been a problem for the Devs so there's nothing new here except them giving players what seems to be a new PvP season when PvP is still heavily flawed. That's a lot like releasing Water when there are balance issues.

    I agree, it's good freemiums get a taste but when they pay nothing and I pay a lot they shouldn't have even half of what I have. That is devaluing legendary and premiums, too. Legendaries are just getting devalued more.
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  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    All my friends are coming back because of this , they HATED MONTHLY CYCLE
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  5. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    That's if said content is actually good and not just a mash up rehashed BS.
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  6. stärnbock Devoted Player

    for the half year it takes, i guess i will level a lot of my alts to endgame. finaly get time for that task ^^ if only gear unlocking was here it would probably made things easier...
  7. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    Told all my friends , all of them are coming back because of this news ! Thank you :D
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  8. Dysania New Player

    These look like wonderful updates! It's always nice to see my favorite game making bold, daring, and large-scale updates, while simultaneously correcting errors that come with the last daring implements that didn't work out so well. Keep up the good work.

    And one possible way to do that is to listen to feedback as you've been doing, and to do your best to make conscious decisions based on the feedback that you know or think will ultimately be best for the game. With that said, I have my own suggestions.

    1.) Better controller optimization.
    -When playing with a controller, I find that I do not have as much freedom with mapping controls as those who play with the keyboard and mouse. I also do not have the ability to change my camera sensitivity. To fix this, I suggest allowing players who use remote controllers to create a custom combination of button presses for controls that better suit one's play style. For example, I'd like to attack using the bumpers, since I don't like attacking using the same finger I use for looking around. When I do that, I lose access to my powers, so I'd like to create my own button combinations for power activation. This would allow more flexibility for players who use controllers. Also, please allow us to change the camera sensitivity.

    2.) Disability Support/Optional PvP
    -This is quite a large request, and so I feel the need to repeat that the choice of feedback to listen to is ultimately up to you. Just because someone makes requests doesn't mean it should automatically be implemented, so please continue making conscious decisions based on feedback to the best of your abilities.

    Now, by "Disability Support," I mean an option for those who get panic attacks from PvP to be able to unlock feats using replay badges without having unlocked them on an alt. I don't mean to ask for this for free, of course. I suggest trading in PvP and Duel rights to be able to unlock those feats with replay badges without having unlocked them on alts. I'd gladly give up my PvP and Duel rights for feats I could never hope to gain without subjectig myself to the torture of anxiety and panic attacks. I also said that we should be able to use replay badges, rather than completely getting them for free, because being able to unlock them with replay badges is already a huge stretch. I also think about you when I make this sughestion. More people with disabilities like me might end up spending more money on replay badges, which means you could make more money while simultaneously accommodating the disabled people withing your community. It's sad to see that I will fall behind heavily when #StatsMatter is implemented, just because I do bot have the mental capacity to finish PvP feats, since I get mind-numbing panic attacks from it. I am getting anxious just thinking of it.

    Now, the next suggestion will be the one to kill all suggestions. Should you accept it, it might cause you to completely restructure your fighting mechanics, although it will add realism and fun, while heightening the magnitude of fast-paced action within the game.

    3.) Please do not slow us down unrealistically in combat
    -While playing DCUO, when I am running with my comrades at pre-30 missions, I sometimes attack by accident, and this wastes so much time. Not only that, but when I'm a pinch in an open area, I cannot make my escape, because my character would rather kill herself instead of flying faster than a speeding bullet. Another thing is that when we compare them to the characters they're based on, we can observe that they speed up when in combat, not slow down. Slowing down makes little to no sense.

    Now, that isn't to say that I'm calling you idiots. In fact, there's already proof within the very game that you're intelligent. Bosses like Bizarro, Queen Zazzala, and Zoom prove that you know that we're not supposed to slow down unrealistically in combat. Not only that, but this is the only game I've played that slows me down in combat so unrealistically. I say that as I have hundreds of games in my library.

    So, I said that you'd have to restructure your damage mechanics for the game, and why would I say that? It's because this unrealistic game mechanic allows you to give us a challenge in regards to feats such as the "Fumigator" feat. Not only that, but it is currently a way of balancing the movement modes in PvP. (Being that it dows that in PvP, I think the unrealistic slow movement should stay in PvP, while the PvE-ers gets to enjoy heavily fast-paced combat with the help of realistic combat speeds that would potentially rival Dragon Ball Xenoverse.)

    Please keep in mind that these are all suggestions that you do not need to follow just because they were offered. Keep doing your best to make thebest choices you can to give us the best game on the market! I say that, even though I do hope that you consider my suggestions, since they're all created for the benefit of the game. Thanks for reading this far, and please, keep up your awesome work!
  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Especially when they told us it would be coming out mid year at the very beginning of 2016, if not the very end of 2015. Now we have to wait ayear, SJ even said in the livestream they made new animations for it. Notice how I said made and not making? The powers probably already done.
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  10. Magnificent Loyal Player

    I like this idea as a short-time event for Freemiums but I would warn heavily against making it permanent. The more opportunity you give to people to get things for free, the more they will take it. The more often you do it, the more they will come to expect it.

    Not only does it relieve people of the need to buy the content (even with such long timers), the more often it's done the more it lessens the need for players who have been Legendary since F2P went Live (or those like myself who have been All Access since before DCUO ever went Beta) to keep paying our monthly membership (especially now that EQ Next has been shuttered).

    I would use this about like the 2x and 3x SC sales: very sparingly and only on special occasions.

    And now onto the content change...

    I think the long downtime between content offerings is going to severely hurt the game unless you come up with some special events to keep people interested (interest in the SP chase can last only so long when there are so many other MMO's out there).

    A suggestion for something to try... For a content release why not make content that takes more people be unlockable by first completeing other content? For example:

    Issue 4,521:

    -Solo mission
    --Follow the clues to track down the whereabouts of the missing Shazam. You find some mini-boss and defeat him to get the whereabouts of Shazam. Doing this unlocks the Duo.

    --Team up with another player to free Shazam from the clutches of Doctor Sivana. You find out that Sivana has captured the rest of the Marvel family (Mary and Freddie). Completing this unlocks the Alert

    --Team up with Shazam and 3 other players to rescue Mary and Freddie from Mister Mind. You find out that Sivana and Mind are working with Black Adam to siphon off their powers to add to his own to take down the Wizard, consume his power, and raise his family from the dead. Completing this unlocks the Raid.

    --Travel to the Wizard's mountain and confront Black Adam.

    Just my 2 cents.
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  11. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Yes I have all of those styles and they all drop in the lockboxes too so both side have access to all styles but the dlc styles so theres a small number of styles that they would have to make sure would work on both side .
  12. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    It is , am pretty sure it's ganna drop soon , you will see ;)
  13. TestReporter Loyal Player

    Still, he said end of this year or beggining of the next, something between december and january.
    If you do the math:
    July>Episode 26 (1 month)
    Episode 26 is made to last 1 month, and the players who like SM, will have SM to run> August
    Episode 26 won't last really long, we know that.
    Half august> no episode (2 weeks)
    September> no episode (1month and 2 weeks)
    October> no episode (2 months and 2 weeks)
    November> no episode (3 months and 2 weeks)
    December> no episode (4 months and maybe 2 weeks)
    The membership players are actually losing 1 month of content.
    If the devs put something small or do some events during the break, it won't be too crappy like we are thinking.
  14. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    My initial thoughts are that this is all very bad.

    3 of the big features you announced for this year are now ... no longer planned for this year. Quite frankly, that sucks.

    Getting rid of monthly releases seems awful to me, as it gave me a reason to log in more often. But I will wait to hold judgement, because the larger content releases may mean the return of new open worlds, quests and bounties.

    Not having Ep 27 until the end of the year also sucks. I'm honestly not quite sure what we're expected to do between July and December. I don't really think 1 new PvP map and 1 new PvP gear set will keep us all busy.

    And last but not least, "Open Episodes."It makes me kinda question my Membership.

    All in all, I don't like any of this.
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  15. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    Large content again, just thank you devs, genuinely, thank you for listening.

    I'll be honest I was planning on not subbing again, but you've got me back. I actually look forward to future of the game now.
  16. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    I really don't get all the excitement.

    Water may or may not release this year? Alternative character progression and style unlocking not expected to launch this year? I knew that announcement livestream in January was too good to be true. Fool me once...

    And no new content for 3-6 months? What could possibly take 6 months to develop? Will there be more than 6 pieces of content? Do you expect people to continue to sub during that time? I know "membership comes with a host of benefits." But real talk: most of that is new content.

    Someday maybe this game will have a vision, and not just be about throwing shi "trying new things."


    Is this the new catchphrase?
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  17. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    If content drop this month, and none is released until January, how many months is that?
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  18. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Oh I expect it and I also believe you can't make everyone happy, seasonals are the best example of that. I only posted here to state the fact of definition of "content" in the game. Content is still coming through the year, we just wont have an Episode after #26 until Late 2016 or early 2017. Dont want to confuse folks coming inhere with the wrong information and pitchforks :)
  19. TestReporter Loyal Player

    The last episode is coming almost in August, and you are REALLY being negative about it, the best is to expect content to launch in december, even if content launchs in January, it'll be no more than a 1 month and a half loss of membership...
  20. LaughingRiot Well-Known Player

    If it has to take 5-6 months for new content, I'd rather them stick with monthly. Feel bad for members.. paying monthly for no new content for awhile. Guess I won't be subbing then, heh.
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