We reached out, we got an answer. Now is our turn to show our maturity. Let us get back to discussing the game, strategy, raids and Zod's inability to duel. Rick Ashely put it best: "you know the game and we're gona play it" Now, I want to get an SM run going tonight, I can DPS (Quantam) or Heal (Sorc) it. USPS Who wants in?
I'd be down for an SM run (seeing as it is the last week apparently) but never have the time to get on and when I can, I can only do limited things Unrelated: Got more blackberry cobbler!
I'll Tank (rage) or Heal (Celestial) Oh for those that don't know M is a Villain, so sorry you dirty Heroes but you aren't invited lol
Role? I'll be on approximately 7PM Eastern and we can start putting a group together then. Derp, wanna tank?
I haven't sent that very long list of suggestions to anyone other than forum posters yet so hopefully that can do something. For the sake of being OT: Zod does not appear to be able to duel very well. Lest we forget Man of Steel. I mean he got beaten by a farm boy with no combat experience.
Again, rumor has it otherwise my friend....Derp keeps telling everyone you can't...dont shoot the messenger.
He probably does shower...stop calling him Dirty. But lets look for him in the open world and teach him a lesson
Guess I won't b joining either, I have a villain but she is weak having spent most time n resources making my hero strong
i will be on tonight round 9 as the game i will be spending my money on in the future has a 2 day downtime in its beta. Oh side note mepps tell captain liberty he can write off that community event he wanted to attend. for some reason i seem to have lost the will to farm the rewards or provide psn cards to the winners. Like he said mepps message received.
Work on her Mont, would love to run with you one day....shouldn't take long to get her to cr100....join the league, we'll help ya out