Merger concerns from a console player MACROS

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Delta795, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. yssandra Active Player

    honestly macro's are no real problem.

    My best use for Macros is to spam

    KAMI DOWN!!!!
    KAMI DOWN!!!!
    KAMI DOWN!!!!
    KAMI DOWN!!!!
    KAMI DOWN!!!!
    KAMI DOWN!!!!
    KAMI DOWN!!!!

    when our League Leader (who is notorious for dying in L+W) goes down.
    And that even puts me at an disadvantage, because I can't deal Dmg, Heal, Troll or Tank at the same time ;)
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  2. Avian Dedicated Player

    I could say something negative about PS players as well. For instance they don't hesitate to exploit every glitch and bug they can find to beat any instance. Or they are all a bunch of FOTM players in Arena. Doesn't make it true.
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  3. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I'm a console player primarily too btw. I only moonlight on PC.
  4. Delta795 New Player

    And that's a good policy and I applaud it. My point is still the same...if something HAS happened enough to warrant a rule, then it's not that unheard of. As for the 90% comment I have no idea where that comes from. My post was simple and asked a basic question of fairness.
  5. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Sure some players have some creative macros that work well for what they are made for. Either way though macros restrict the ability for the player to react to a scenario if something arise where they need to. Even if the players isn't spamming it, that part doesn't change when they do use it.
  6. Avian Dedicated Player

    The only thing that can be done about it is reporting which players actively do, however if people don't have video proof it's hard to get anything done and even then it doesn't seem like the punishment is severe enough. Again it's probably less that 1% of the entire server that hacks in Arena, even the estimation of 1% seems too much in my opinion.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Do you even realize how many PC players there are. When the servers merge, their population is so low, it wont even seem like we gained more players. The chances of you getting queued into an instance or match with them is 1/5, so a 20% chance at the highest, it could be a lower percentage depending on if PC population has dropped in the last 2 months.

    You guys are way over-reacting.
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  8. akaivy Dedicated Player


    I can't believe how much people are freaking out over this.

    PC people are always complaining about the population. Instead of telling us how awesome they are and how the are going to dominate, they should be happy that they have more people to run with.

    PS people, don't turn this into the 2015 version of The Red Scare.

    Face reality. All through life you come face to face or head to head with people with different attributes and abilities. You either get better because of the competition, accept that you can't compete and play on, or move to other things.

    Do you PS players realize how we must appear to PC players with all the paranoia and whining. You are just boosting them up by saying how much better they will be at this game than us.

    Do you PC players realize how arrogant you sound when you talk about how you are going to destroy us in everything?

    This is a merger. It should be a friendly one and we should look to the positives and worry about the negatives IF they happen.
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  9. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    To the OP,

    Dovetail animation made macros useless to those score board chasers. Even if you encounter a marco users in PvP (Post-Cross Play), they will be slow and predictable. Basically a sitting duck. The majority of marco users are most likely disabled, which makes their gaming enjoyable and fun.
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  10. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Macros aren't a thing in PVE dpsing. I only know of one mediocre DPS that used to use it and that was before WM and AMs. Wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
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  11. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I had a controller once in my group. He used a macro to do a precise double pot and constant instant-power out - a really stupid idea: If you get stunned before doing it, it fails. If groupmembers get k.o. they need new pot. Sometimes it is better not to pot to not risk a k.o. of an incoming attack.
    Even for playing something as simple as troll, macros are useless :D.
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  12. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    What the Macro does is reduce the timing a PC player needs to execute a said set of moves and by programming it into one key it makes it extremely easier to have a set of clippable moves doing one button press. This does provide an advantage, because as a console player you can have a mess up with your button pressing and that will messs up your clipping.

    You do know that some PS3 playera are runnign around using said Macros PS3 has more programming capability than the PS4 for hacking / code breaking.
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  13. Avian Dedicated Player

    That's some quality stupidity right there...
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  14. Delta795 New Player

    Yeah I'm aware
  15. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Yeah, it takes the definition of "bad player" to another level :D.
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  16. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    No, there's nothing inherently competitive about PvE in this game. At all. Anything competitive in regards to PvE comes from players themselves. It's one of the many reasons why I ignore the scoreboard.

    And to echo everyone else, I wouldn't worry too much about macro use. It might provide more of an advantage in traditional MMOs, but DCUO's active combat alone means macro use is just setting yourself up for problems.
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  17. King Felsa New Player

    This is just a veiled attempt to discredit PC players for when they dominate the PS crowd.
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  18. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    That's right it's gonna be Macrosammiches for everyone!

    Oh what's that? You can't eat bread cause you are gluten free?
    Well the only other thing we gots is Macronie and cheese with speed hack crust on top. So too bad!

    Gluten free......sheesh.
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  19. Marine Death Committed Player

    Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that responded to this thread. As a consul player I was silently worried about macros. After reading what you guys posted I'm at ease. Thanks again
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  20. BossJohnson Active Player

    Please take your rational responses somewhere else... they have no business on the dcuo forums..

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
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