Hi Mepps or any Dev, Under Announcements it states STU set 1 is out till July27th? it says it under Announcements it is only July21 and KCT has been removed??? can this plz be fixed? Thank you Content Set 1 Available for three weeks from July 7-27, 2022 1-Player: The Last Son of Krypton 4-Player: BoP Volcano Mining Facility 8-Player: Kandor Central Tower
Here is the thread https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/game-update-126-save-the-universe.323641/
Yes add it back please. Still grinding out feats that I needed. Was going of the schedule that you guys provided.
At this rate they should just let both sets run until the end of STU. But either way, restoring set 1 would definitely be appreciated.
Set 2 will run for the next two weeks. The two weeks after that will have both sets running together at the same time. This gets you an extra week with set 1 vs. the original plan and options for the final crunch time.
Thank you for responding much appreciated, but I just want to add then the dates are wrong and misleading in the original post.
TBH announcing a change like this after the fact feels incredibly unprofessional. I hope to see next time it will be done so BEFORE, even if it is just one day earlier.
Mepps, thank you for responding. Based on your explanation, that's the same amount of time, not an extra week of set 1. It was always going to be 6 weeks. But okay, I'll live. Wont be raiding much these two weeks. DWF is terrible to pug. Almost as bad as Throne was.
I meant, if set 1 is your jam, you will have gotten four weeks of it by the end, instead of three. I do apologize for not catching our schedule change and for being too specific in the original post.
Can you note down to the team to do Flash or Lantern content for the next STU? It would be refreshing rather than getting Batman or Wonder Woman next time. I don't run the current STU because I am not interested in the Superman content personally.
Same amount of total time, but an extra week of each set by having both out at the same time during the last 2 weeks.