Mepps please look into these issues please....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player Uploads/DSC_0294_zpszhasonqp.jpg

    Don't know if you guys not catching this issue or just haven't gotten to it. But some head pieces(styles) when wearing them, in cut scenes or when other players are near you, it looks like half of the style is glitched or pushed in the toons face/head.

    Also this might be a bit off topic, but it's super annoying when i go to choose a loot or in my inventory my loadout greys out, and it have to go on and out of my inventory multiple times to fix this. There's also an issue when picking your loot after defeating a boss you lose your HUD completely!

    I tried posting this in the bug section but every time I created a thread it gave me an error. So please mepps please look into these as well, thank you.