Mepps and Dev Team, I know this might sound (O.C.D) but please!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Kanmaru, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I don't know if it's just me or not but can we please get a "sort" option in our inventory space? Like we could click the left analog stick and it will ask us "would you like to sort blah-blah etc."

    The sort would obviously make everything into categories by item functions. So once you sort it will make a row for cores, rnd, gear, soders, TC, Promethium lock boxes, fusing elements, etc.

    It would make managing our inventory sooooooo much easier. Please make it happen Devs!
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  2. veri Active Player

    like the ieda
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  3. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    I kind of like this idea. I know that I spent a bit of time sorting mine out, and when I acquire something new it forces me to re-arrange everything. I pretty much reserve the first spot for my buff trinket and supply drop. This way I can swap them easily. Then it goes Useful trinkets > Alternate orbitals/henchmen > Useless cosmetic trinkets > Time Capsules > Consumable buffs > Stuff I pick up randomly and immediately sort after the instance > bottom rows are for gear that I haven't pulled mods from.

    So say that when the V-Day seasonal comes back and I get that weird heart thing that flies around... I will have to shift everything below a certain point to the right just by one to fit it into the "could be useful" trinkets area. Yeah. #OCD
  4. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I know exactly what you mean.
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  5. Wanderer New Player

    Tbh, I do this already more or less... soders up top, an empty gap in the center for whatever I pick up during the day, stuff I plan to mail that I just move down as the day passes, alternate gear set below, and the bottom row is always 1 of each exobit type, prestige token stack, simple, complex, and current TC. So long as this new system is completely optional I guess I wouldn't mind, but that big empty gap I mentioned typically eliminates the need to do any additional sorting. I just let it fill up until I'm ready to salvage everything or toss it all in the bank. On the other hand, I don't have OCD, so maybe it's more of an annoyance than I realize...
  6. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Of course it would be optional. Only way the sort would engage is of you activate it by either clicking the analog stick or whatever function they would use to map it on the controller.
  7. SkullGang Devoted Player

    This is the kind of stuff that we would have gotten with the UI update that was scrapped.
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  8. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    I was really looking forward to that UI update as well. It's a shame really.
  9. Sugr Bear Committed Player

    And a search by collection option in the broker, like say I search that boy is super and see all of those pieces rather than each piece individually (while you're at it show us the collection names on pieces we don't have on PS like PC gets in our collection menu). Also is there a category gear boxes go into? As in the beyond gear, stuff like that. It would be nice when leveling new alts to just see all the gear boxes from all capsules by price ascending.
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  10. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Love the idea. Sorting Bank and Inventory is something that's long overdue. But devs, please with the option to sort "from bottom to top" ^^ All my Gear, Consumables and nonsense is located on the bottom of my inventory so that I immediately see new stuff that dropped. ;)
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  11. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Generally, good idea. Problem would be what factor to sort on. Consumables first? Alphabetical? Largest stacks first?

    Ya see, every player will want their own preference, so it's difficult to pick one filter without annoying everyone else.
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  12. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    They could ask you in what format when you first start the sorting function. Also alphabetical is usually the default of any sorting function that's normally used. Though they do have from Z-A, A-Z or 0-A, A-0. They could have a user custom sort where they ask when first used, what would we like for our first 4 rows then it sorts everything else automatically by letters and numbers.
  13. Duzzit Active Player

    sort function would be great, but it would need a 'lock' function too

    example - i keep my alternate armory gears out of sight at the bottom of my inventory. If i could lock these in place but sort the rest of my inv, that would be great
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  14. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Definitely, maybe a selectable option like they have for style locking in the inventory section.
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  15. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Theoretically, yes, but one has to wonder.....if it's so straight forward, why are lair lists not sorted alphabetically? With this game, the only assumption I make is that anything that should be easy never is easy.
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  16. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    That's why I'm asking for this in the first place to be honest. This game is lacking a good chunk of key function's most UI user friendly MMO's offer. Hopefully they will look at everyone's suggestions within this post and make adjustments accordingly.
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  17. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    You are not for this topic then. This is for instant sorting and time saving. You are free to speak your own opinion.
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  18. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    No, what I'm saying is if you felt that way then why say anything at all? Instead of helping you tried to counter it and this leads to most ideas being over looked. The more people agree the better the chances of seeing a change. If people like you come in and try desperately to counter-balance then the idea becomes unimportant or makes Devs reluctant to take risks. Hopefully you see why I said what I did now?
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  19. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I’m already extremely OCD about my Inventories, but an extra option might help players.

  20. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    This is a great idea. Otherwise it's always taking out, moving in, moving around, ugh. So annoying when you have your exobyte stacks color coordinated and then another two full red stacks to stick somewhere. OCD is so much fun! Even if there was only 1 sort options (all exos together, all colas together, all gear together by type, all collections together by collection, etc.) it would at least cut down sorting time by a ton.
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