Mental vs Earth PvP (DPS)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Redscreen5, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Redscreen5 New Player

    Need suggestions from pretty experienced players, I've played dc since launch but took a long time out prior to personal reason, now I am back i see allot has changed. I've been playing 3-4 months now and Im stuck between which one to choose, currently in a good league and practically will be in arena ALLOT and i need a consistent DPS power usable against opposition.

    Iv'e played with a T4 PvP hard light at a friends, but iv'e realized hard light really isn't my style, Im more skilled with weapon use and the utilization of "ticks" rather than single target combo's and iv'e realized with hard light its more combo orientated and Im not used to the mentality of this.

    The main reason iv'e boiled it down to these two powers is because after research they offer the type of classes and fighting style I can adapt to.
  2. JayJay2515 New Player

    Mental IMO because of all the damage over time moves you can do for those who try to dip
  3. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    Mental DPS is better. Mental DPS can do a great amount of burst damage. Do you clip your weapons with powers often? If so, Mental may be suitable for you. I don't have much experience with Mental but the best experience I have with Mental is running with them in PvE raids. They do considerable damage and seemingly have more controlling abilities, stuns, etc.

    But then again, PvP is mostly about Precision damage, and Earth is either a Precision or balanced power because the Aftershocks on Earth's powers are Precision damage. However, Earth is also known for being a bad DPS, especially in PvE.
  4. Redscreen5 New Player

    Yeah the way I play DPS in PvP is short animations (clipped) which is more to the relevancy of mental since the numbers are insane, but Im looking for a DPS power that can do well against all roles primarily, and earth tree seems more diverse.

    But i would be lying if wasn't more to the idea of mental. And regarding the the PvE aspects of earth i'd tank it to be honest lol I have full T3 FOS Tank gear from when i was ice.

    Thanks for the insight
  5. Redscreen5 New Player

    True the powers are beast, most powers in illusion tree seem crazy
  6. JayJay2515 New Player

    There's one move that turns people into ghost for like 3-5 seconds (had this healer in ghost form for about 6 seconds once) and you can get a good amount of damage in while they are in ghost form
  7. Dogzday Dedicated Player

    So we now know you like to clip! Have you also considered Gadgets? It is similar to Mental in terms of clipping to do burst damage. I am Gadgets right now and currently loving it because it is full of surprise damage. But that's my bias talking lol.

    Earth is not that strong for DPS (or Tank but I would like to believe otherwise, I can't judge an Earth Tank because I haven't seen one lately).

    Good point that you made in looking for a Power that can do well against any Power, but you are prone to Confidence buff of Sorcery, Nature, and Electric and they will do more damage. Likewise, if you choose Mental, Tank Powers such as Fire, Ice, and Earth, will do more damage against you while mitigating damage.

    My friend and I run Batcave 2v2 Arenas sometimes and we get massacred when we're up against any Tank regardless of the insane damage we try. He's Hardlight and I'm Gadgets, so we are both Controller Powers and therefore Tanks have a damage buff against us. In fact, he out-DPS'd!

    So you have to take this index into account as well and know that everything does have its tradeoffs! But for my recommendation, which isn't changing lol, you should definitely go mental with Mental. You'll have more fun clipping with Mental, and it is very single target based like Gadgets.
  8. Itazuki New Player

    I'll admit that in PvE... Earth DPS is a bit lacking sometimes.

    Though in PvP I find it amazing in a 1v1 scenario.

    Gemstone Shield > Stone > Pebble Blast > Reinforce > Unstoppable > Sandblast

    That's my 1v1 DPS loadout for Earth. Stone applies the Dazed effect on a single target, and Pebble Blast hits for damage, then extra damage when the enemy is Dazed. The damage isn't amazing but it is decent. The real perk of Pebble Blast is it's near instant cooldown, it's low power cost, and it has like a 0.5 sec animation. So it is amazing to clip weapon combos with. Reinforce adds precision and crit chance, Sandblast is a 35% finisher. Gemstone... is well.. a shield.

    Unstoppable can be traded in for any other skill you like really.. I know some use Earthern Grip to catch those people running away. Many like to put Hard-Light shield on also.

    Again... this loadout isn't really for group content, and not advised for PvE at all... Mostly for 1v1 fights or 2v2. It's what I use when I'm in Open World PvP or in Lair Battles.
  9. Redscreen5 New Player

    Thanks guys, steering towards mental iv'e already farmed the mods, will make transition once my legendary renews XD