Mental power questions.

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by xJenovax, Dec 16, 2016.

  1. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    Are they pretty good in PvP?
    What kind of DPS are they? AM or WM?
    Are the better at Troll or DPS?
    If they aren't really good what is a good Troll power that can play pretty much everything PvP as well PvE Troll as well as DPS?

    Sorry for all the questions but thanks in advanced to the people who answer any of them. I probably should of put in general chat or something, I'll prob repost in there as well.
  2. sepiaskidmark Committed Player

    1) mental is decent in pvp but pvp is so broken atm, you'really just going to run into fire tanks, sorcery heals, and hardlight dps....good luck.

    2) I'm assuming we are still talking about pvp, so am isn't even an option on pvp and you could use weapon mastery but I prefer to just use regular weapon combos clipped with powers, set up your pi's and farm counters as best you can. If you are talking pve than yes the am is by far the best option and mental is one of the top powers in the game.

    3) mental is great at both troll and dps for pve and does just fine in pvp.
    Hope that helps.
  3. xJenovax Well-Known Player

    Thanks a lot man. That sounded like a solid answer with some information. Appreciate it.
  4. Baby Sister Committed Player

    I usually troll when I do Pvp but now I dps and its pretty good, I usually have an upper hand.