Mental now has the ONLY 60 sec. cooldown among controller Supercharges. Unacceptable.

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Melusine Midnight, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Bring Bastion in line with ALL OTHER controller Supercharge powers.

    Lower Bastion's Cooldown to 30 seconds!

    This is appallingly bad. Like seriously? Seriously? SRSLY?
    • Like x 7
  2. Apolloin Well-Known Player

    SIRIUSLY!!!!!!! The insanity! The Horror! SIRIUSly
  3. Apolloin Well-Known Player

  4. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    • Like x 2
  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    Agree 100%.

    That and also only 1 PI (Dazes or Terrorize) or an interaction between them and delete the Horrific Visage white mod.
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  6. Isif Committed Player

    Wow, first world problems. I think its nice when things don't play exactly the same. Trolling is already relatively cookie cutter. To each their own.
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  7. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    Mental players ONLY want to be Treated SAME as All Other Troll Powers..Nothing More.
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  8. Isif Committed Player

    So..."Cookie cutter?!" Oh well. Too bad everyone wants to make trolls play the SAME, but not DPS, tanks, or heals.
  9. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    You know it's players like you on the forums that cry about powersets all being the same that make the DEVS do things they do. Powersets can be different without effecting the balance of powerset role functionality.
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  10. gemii Dedicated Player


    How about giving nature a 8 man shied like the rest of the healing powers as well. If you do the same for mental reducing their cool down in line with the rest of the controllers it’s only right to give nature a 8 man group shield seeing how it’s the only heal without one.
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  11. Isif Committed Player

    Just pointing out that almost no other role plays the same. I think you have me confused saying that I want things to be the same. The reality is quite different. There is a whole can of worms to be opened wanting everything to play the same.
  12. Sionn Committed Player

    They're already cookie cutter mostly as controllers...mostly. What separates them is performance potential. Light is the most gimped controller power. Constructs put out more power than powers which is much slower, only one shield...among other things. Mental has a messed up PI system, a pve useless encasement breaker debuff, and now the only 60s SC.
  13. myandria Item Storage


    What is a first world problem? A problem is a problem, no matter what world you live in.o_O
  14. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    What was the cool down before the Revamp? I do not remember.
    I think it was 30 seconds but I could be wrong.
  15. E Clip Dedicated Player

    It was 20 seconds.
  16. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    OK, TY.

    Are the devs still following the formula they used for the REVAMP? If the cooldown is shortened the power is made weaker. If so, Is it really that big of a deal?

    Personally, I have an end game mental character & I like Bastion the way it is. I would not want it to be weaker.


    Also, I will add that this is why the devs probably have been leary about buffing some powers.
    The devs buff one thing and people start b1tchin about why not my power," IT'S NOT FAIR!"
  17. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Is Bastion actually stronger than the others though? If it is, then fine. If the longer cooldown is an oversight though, it needs to be looked at. I remember that at one point it used to reflect some of the damage. When they removed that it’s possible they forgot to adjust the cooldown to compensate.
  18. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Dunno if there is a difference in strength between the various troller group shields, I would assume there isnt, but I could be wrong.
  19. Kuno Loyal Player

    Mental sucks. It's been in need of an overall buff since the stats revamp. They should do it.
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  20. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Nope. Celestial doesn't have one either, and we get by fine without it.