Mental Bug

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Yaiba, Jun 22, 2019.

  1. Yaiba Committed Player

    On PC Test Server, when I used Invisibility, following Psychic Empowerment, I didn't see the Claw of Aelkhund buff, same when I casted PE while being invisible, the artifact's buff didn't proc as well (no visual effect...). But if PE used first, then the buff worked as normal
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  2. Heywiar Committed Player

    Correct me if I'm wrong but in the Gadgets powerset, some abilities don't proc in Stealth. (Like Battle Drone, Holographic Decoy, etc.)
    Maybe its something related to the whole Stealth/Invisibility mechanic?
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  3. Yaiba Committed Player

    I didn't know that but hopefully it's bugged, otherwise it's quite hard to play as battle troll with Gadget/Mental, they're now in my bottom list right now...
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  4. L T Devoted Player

    I think going into invisibility technically takes you out of controller role, and that's why you don't get the buff.
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  5. Yaiba Committed Player

    That makes sense now, but I still think this is not intended :oops: