Membership benefits expires with every relog

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Arkenra, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Arkenra Well-Known Player

    Seems like since this morning i’ve been losing the benefits of membership everytime i want to relog to another character. I need to deactivate 4 characters before i can re-enter the game and when i enter the game i have the 2000 cash cap and no dlc’s to play. This problem only solves itself when i completely shutdown the game and restart it. Anyone else is having this problem or is it just me?
  2. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

    Are you a PlayStation user? If so, this happens to me every month when the subscription has to renew. If so, until PSN and Daybreak's payment systems talk to each other, you have to "disconnect" instead of "switch character" in order to get your full roster and money.
  3. Arkenra Well-Known Player

    I’m playstation yes, sorry forgot to mention. Thanks for your reply, subscription has to renew indeed. Just this has never happened to me since the last 6/7 years. I’ll try your disconnect trick, thanks for the tip :D