Members Only Special Summer Sale!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Dexella, May 21, 2015.

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  1. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    agreed. 10 dollars to switch powers and nearly $3 to reset 1 raid like whoa
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  2. Batman Beyond Well-Known Player

    Agreed. The 20% sale isn't too appealing. It is just an extra 10% for us who are already Legendary, and it doesn't affect the Loyalty Points Vendor which is one of our few "perks" to being Legendary. This sale would be good for things like micro-transactions, but Free and Premium players are excluded from it, so I don't see them making much money off it.
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  3. UrCrackers New Player

    After thinking on it a bit, and knowing from experience working with new (off site) owners of a company... I would say this appears more of a Daybreak strategy and less of the administrators.

    Sitting far from the action and only hearing 'statistics' (and excuses) and watching the bottom line, they are probably the ones who pulled the trigger on a members only 10% additional savings.

    Still... at the end of the sale, they will definitely see meager sales totals due to their own restrictions and a rapidly declining game population.
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  4. AsentmahTheNatureGodess New Player

    I know this is off topic but I seem to can't post and put my comments down on other threads. But hereo_O
  5. Rex Stone Level 30

    I spend over 300 dollars every time there's a 50% off sale (that's aside from the money i spend regularly). I've spent over 3000 bucks supporting this game and i'm sure there are many others that have spent much more than me. I'll wait patiently for the 50% off sale, but if there isn't one coming out soon, you won't see my money. I won't be pulled into your cash grab schemes neither. You took advantage of us all during the Christmas sale by making the first days have a low percentage discount and then making the days coming have higher sale percentages off. You are slowly pushing away your most loyal members.
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  6. spack2k Steadfast Player

    additional 10% discount ?

    i will gladly sit this one out
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  7. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    As they say "One step forward, two steps back"
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  8. Phill Committed Player

    This sale is a joke. I am all access and think a members only sale is very weak. Lets see...... Why don't we have a sale that only a percentage of our client base can access and advertise it on top of that. Why not just slap paying customers in the face because that is what DCUO jut did. I'm sorry but if you are going to have a sale and post it for everyone to see. Make it worth while and so that every possible player can have access to it. If you are going to make sales to the select few (members only). Put that information in an area where members can access it only. You don't shove it in people faces and say HEY LOOK WHAT I GOTS.....That will turn away players faster than you can say goodbye not attracted them. That is telling paying players that chose to buy piece by piece that they are not as good as all access members. I understand making money and numbers of paying players is what DCUO needs not a select few paying more. Honestly this 20% sale on air is a joke and a slap in the face to all paying players in DCUO.
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  9. theapparatus New Player

    As a consumer, I vote with my wallet.

    And it will stay closed.

    It's pretty sad that I have to file arbitration just to get a customer service issue dealt with.

    Thanks Dexella and Brad. Too bad neither one of you can do your job.
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  10. Claaad New Player

    I would buy membership if i COULD USE MY PAYSAFECARD OR PAYPAL to buy it :| srsly now,when they will leave us to buy membership with paysafecard or paypal??
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  11. TimeManipulator New Player

    I went to purchase some market cash and it wouldn't connect to psn store for purchase. Anyone else having this issue, I'm on PS4.
  12. Ultra_Kryptonian New Player

    4 categories of accounts: All Access, Legendary, Premium and Free 2 Play.

    Of these categories, three of them have spent or are spending money on DCUO. I know Premium players that have every DLC, maxxed out bank and auction slots, etc. Seems a shame they spend a good amount of money (including buying all their Station Cash) just to get left out of so many opportunities.

    DCUO seems to treat players as if there are only two categories: Haves and Have-Nots. It tends to be divided equally (All Access and Legendary in the first, Premium and F2P in the latter).

    One might think if there was to be a sale, you'd want to include all the account categories to get money from everyone, not create additional division between the ranks (which it appears to be doing on here).

    Of course the devil's advocate to all of this is we're on the outside looking in and not the other way around. So its hard to say accurately if what's taking place is good or bad without real facts (and, as someone who worked for Bigpoint gmbh on BSGO, I can tell you they will never share the real corporate data with the player base- its never good from a company standpoint to show your hand).
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  13. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Funny thing is they justified removing the option to buy dlcs with Station cash saying they wanted to keep doing aggressive sales.

    Does anyone remember triple and double station cash? 50% seems small compared to that and make the 10% extra only for members seem about as enticing and relevant as piece of coal.

    Since the following quote came out in 2012, there has been a notable reduction of sales and an even more notable reduction in the quality of sales.

    "Starting Monday, August 27th, 2012, we will no longer accept Station Cash as a payment method for Expansions and DLC Packs. Real-world currency will be the only way to purchase these products.
    The reason for this is simply that these products require a high level of development resource and are therefore a substantial cost. We want to continue to run aggressive Station Cash promotions, which we know our customers love, but cannot continue to do this and protect the revenue that we need to offset these costs.
    In consideration of our players who would like the opportunity to purchase current Expansion and DLC Packs with Station Cash, we are running a 50% discount on them from Friday August 10th until Sunday August 12th*.
    As always, if you have questions about your Station Account or Station Cash Balance, please contact customer service at"
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  14. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I passed on this. Not because of the value of the sale, but because of the value of the products. There's nothing in the MP I wanna buy.
  15. DECEPTICON-UK New Player

    Topped up on total rec kits, that was the only thing a long time player could buy....
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