Melee in raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Imsms08, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Imsms08 New Player

    Melee is possible in raids now but when the T6 raids come out we probably won't have this. Melee in DCUO has almost alway been near impossible due to bosses and adds hitting so hard you just get one shot by splash damage and AoE's. Rage is gets away with this due to their rage crash but everyone else is out of luck.

    What I would like to see added to allow for player to have the choice to melee with realistic success would be to add a tank passive buff that reduces damage taken to teammates close to the tank. This would allow melee to be possible and bring back it back in raids and not just in everything else.

    Before anyone brings up the risk reward argument keep in mind melee dps still get blocked while range dps don't. This change would at least allow all dps regardless of power set to either chose to play melee or range. Both would have the pros and cons.
    As it is now the risk of dying is just to great to melee outside of being rage in raids.

    This would also help power sets that are stronger at melee like fire,ice and earth.

    Just a thought to add to the game to improve it. Please add thoughts on this and like if you would like to see this.
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  2. Roland Deschain New Player

    allowing melee in raids would take a lot of work on the dev side
    most mmo usually have clear tells on aoe attack so that if you go melee you can guess what's coming after you with some anticipation
    ont he tell side wow did a great job allowing add ons to make it even cleares
    than there are some game with visual tells on big attacks, like colors on the ground to tell the payer which zone is safe, 3d images midair that represent the aoe area of attack so you can avoid it (i've seen spheres, rings and cones in midair do this job greatly)

    but most of them are slower games, boss don't attack that much aside from big attacks and single target hits, player has a span of time between the tell and the actual attack, wich is 3-4 second on the big ones/1-2 on the smaller hits that may or may not kill you depending on the kind of gear
    the big bosses usually have something going on around them(flames, lava, ice, whirlwinds) and conical AOE or 180° aoe leaving some way to melee, sometime you find even 270° short range AOE

    here we have so many 360° attacks on bosses that goin melee means death if you haven't done that exact raid so many time that you can almost mindread the boss, and at that point you still would get more from a slower but safer long range burn than from a hit and run melee aggressive approach

    dcuo works in a different way, no clear tells aside from the triangle big attack coming wich beside telling you RUUUN tells you nothing
    dcuo has a spalsh aoe damage on many of the boss attacks, as well as strange way of handling aggro (more and more bosses simply don't care about aggro)

    so if we want something like that we need some work from dev
    the circular
    if and when we get some decent aggro working, which doesn't seems the case looking at how the handled paradox, general in nexus,
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  3. Imsms08 New Player

    Exactly almost every mom at least provides a way for melee dps to dps safely up close. This usually means the dps just stay at the sides or behind the boss/adds but in DC nearly every AoE is 360 and just one shots you in raids. If they add a proximity damage reduced to tanks for allies then melee would be at least an option. This goes for all powers and roles. Electric healers and HL trolls both would be better up close but they can't due to the AoE damage just being to high for anyone but the tank.

    Melee in raids is just to much of a risk in this game and it shouldn't be that way. Even more so when most of the weapons in this game are melee!
    Just saying to would love the option to melee on raids without the high chance of dying like it currently is.
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  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    That's the balancing issue. Too many bosses are capable of performing very few combat functions vs a single player before they can KO them. Also consider how bosses now have counter mechanics. When a boss can throw a regular punch and strip you of 2k+ health, the balance is lost. For melee dps' to survive, the devs simply need to lessen the damage per hit but ensure that the bosses in the game can consintently fisticuffs and aren't taking long pauses. If they can at least match the standard combat rate, as far as counter mechanics are concerned, then players can react to the combat in play instead of worry about having to pick up an ally that only took two punches, one being the block breaker that flattened the player on their backside, and another that ko'd them when down. For the special moves, some of them simply need better tells. The ps3 has a ton of issues keeping the frame rate in check, and a lot of boss tells are lost in translation. Other times the tells simply don't have enough frames or a more telling posture for players to realize they aren't just fighting normally. Lastly, some of these special attacks bosses do are really powerful but do not queue the 'skull' icon indicating a super move. Heck, many people don't even know about the skull icon. :\
  5. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    we dont need DPS meleeing bosses in raids its a fault of over gearing that it was even tried as in the beginning of the game noone even concidered meleeing bosses. by having DPS melee the boss they will be giving up counters to the bosses and the tanks wont be able to work the combat mechanics to the raids advantage. dps should stay back and keep it were the tank can see whats going on and can handle the boss with counters while DPS do what they do which is burn
  6. Feydakeen New Player

    In fact, nowadays, besides AAB and some bosses in DOX, everything is pretty meleeable, including nexus final bosses.
  7. Imsms08 New Player

    Actually in the beginning of the game people didn't melee because melee didn't hit hard at all and the risk was to high. However most people when the game first came out wanted to melee. It just wasn't possible due to the damage taken at being melee.

    The whole thing about this game is about playing your own way, and the focus is on "balance," however there is no balance when only one power has a real option to melee successful. Also some powers are much better at dps up close while others are strong at ranged.

    Players should at least get to choice to either play ranged or melee with both being around the same success without being a huge liability to the raid group. Not having that options breeds that mentality that see's melee as a negative thing and is only something for pvp or tanks to do.
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  8. Imsms08 New Player

    True but that is only due to us being over geared currently for the content. I'm talking about having melee being am option for all players of appropriate cr level not just the super over geared.
  9. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    I melee in AnB.

    Edit: not 100% of the time btw
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  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Melee did receive a damage buff and resistance buff, the latter of which seems lost now with the scaling of enemies who are on the verge of being dpstankhealtrollers.

    Aaaaaand there's so few ranged weapons. When are we going to get that bazooka?
  11. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    The play your way slogan is ONLY about the subscription levels it has ABSOLUTELY no reference to in game content.
    I apologise if this seems snarky but I am so tired of people trotting out that line and trying to use it to justify things it has no bearing on in actuality.
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  12. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    have a choice several actually
    1) you can melee the boss die over and over and get kicked
    2) you can melee the boss with the run in perform a few hits and get out when ever you see a skull on the boss and there going to do a big aoe.
    3) or you can be the most effective and just stand back and burn with out all that wasted time going in and out.

    but all those ways still dont account for how the DPS meleeing the boss will hurt the raid and this is why.... a good tank can work the counter system keeping the boss countered and not having immunity which is what your going to get with the dps crowding the tank and getting countered giving the boss the blue immunity every time they fall down
  13. Little Sister New Player

    I always thought the Raven bounty fight in Gotham Wastelands was interesting for melee. She does that huge AoE field that can melt players, but it won't hit if you are right next to her, attacking melee.

    More bosses should have similar mechanics.
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  14. Errorcode1058 New Player

    Increase the health and control resistance buffs which already exist for melee weapons. Problem solved.
  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

  16. Burnt New Player

    IDK, I used melee as a fire DPS for a few years. It was beast and I wasn't over geared at the time for the content.
  17. Imsms08 New Player

    I'm using this slogan because in mmo's and this game you have free range and customization on what your character looks like or role he plays. That's part of the mmo experience. However this game had/has many balance issues that are being addressed. Not having a realistic option to melee is one of them. Being able to preform to a similar standard regardless of power or weapon choice is something that every mmo try's to achieve. I'm just pointing out that "play your way slogan" would mean balance. Melee in raids is just another thing that needs balanced.
  18. Imsms08 New Player

    No health buff for melee weapons just a crit damage bonus and control resistance and my solution at least make tanks more desire able not just in pve raids but they also would play a bigger role in pvp. When WM gets added everyone will be hitting harder for burst damage with using less power.
  19. Imsms08 New Player


    None of these are a real choice and that's my point. Why limit every role in a raid besides a tank to play ranged?
    Also the counter mechanic in pve are already broken. Even when everyone is ranged bosses still manage to get a blue immunity while blocking from ranged taps and still leave the tank unable to bb them.
  20. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    No, it does not. What don't you get about that? It has to do with subscription and in game purchases, nothing to do with how you play the game. Nothing at all.

    Yes, it would be nice if melee becomes viable again and supposedly the developers want to make it viable during t6, but it isn't tied to the marketing slogan of the game. If you keep bringing that up, as a warning, people will not take kindly to it because to be quite honest, it's one of the stupidest things to say about gameplay to prove any point whatsoever, on par with "I'm a subscriber" and "I've been here since beta".

    Anyone ever think SOE regrets making that their marketing slogan because of certain people taking it out of context?
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