Me9aMan's Hybrid Battery Guide

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by JZtheDragon, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    Sounds like you've got the idea. At a certain point faster killing is more ideal than cc or support, such as duos and alerts. By capping vit for strictly as much as you need, not more, and investing the rest into damage, you can be pushing a very engaging and useful playstyle. That 50-60% damage potential will actually meet or exceed the majority of dps players out there, majorly speeding up runs and making instances run smoother. 50-60% range has been normal for a gads am build; I don't know what's true of the other troll powers
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  2. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    You probably meant to post in devil's hybrid thread. I think there already is info for fire there.
  3. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I'll edit that now.
    Sincerest apologies
  4. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    No biggie, just trying to help.
  5. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I'm curious, has anyone created a HL or Quantum Hybrid Battery and have they had any success? So far, I just know of Gadgets and Mental
  6. Pults Loyal Player

    I assume it would be almost impossible with HL as it's AM doesn't return power but instead removes power cost within it's AM rotation and for quatum it would be difficult since the power return isn't constant, however is doable (only once in a full rotation) but not viable since timebomb grants a huge chunk of power.
  7. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Thanks Pults, I never played HL or Quantum so I am not knowledgeable of their mechanics. Was curious given they were the other controllers with AM.
  8. JZtheDragon Well-Known Player

    Not so; at the time of this post's writing, only Gadgets had its am. It's now possible with all troll powers. Below is the link to where HL player Rokyn pulled off a hybrid lantern. He keeps his combos short, starting chomps, casting construct, comboing once and clipping with recharge. HL as hybrid is cool because you can also buff yourself and your allies with Inspiration. His damage while doing it is still quite good and seems to burst more frequently than Gadgets or Quantum.

    Dawning of a New Era. Hybrids

    I've personally been working on a hybrid Quantum and it is going great. I've started from scratch on PC so my sp is still pretty low, so it's hard to measure up against my old Gadget, but it's definitely working. I'm replacing the need of troll in anything but solo raiding and putting up respectable damage. I'll record when I'm more reasonably built and update the guide, but here's a quick rundown:

    [Time Bomb] [Temporal Extortion] [Distortion Wave] [Tachyon Blast] [Time Shift] [optional]

    That last slot can be one of the time tree's various defensive powers, an sc (which charges well with might only builds now), whatever you prefer.
  9. Errorcode1058 New Player

    I use this build on a low level gadgets toon which I use to help people learn powers while leveling alts. No point in helping people get to t5 and above if they don't know their own power sets. This build lets me sit in lower level gear and be helpful while not blowing away enemies with a sneeze.

    The mental AM also works very nicely with this idea.
  10. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    It's unfortunate that the hybrid battery is dying off with power regeneration mechanics replacing instant power back. For nostalgia sake, I made a couple of new hybrid battery builds (since mental doesn't have power regeneration, yet).

    My first build is the true battery build. This one is not meant to do damage, but rather pump out power and generate SC as quickly as possible. I use this build to solo battery raids (so essentially, 0 trolls are used as I support in dps stance). My loadout for this build is:
    T.Bolt, M.Lev, Grandeur, P.E., P.R, and Bastion (or Invisibility with Bastion in my stealth loadout).

    This rotation is simple, start resonance, then go Bolt -> Lev/P.E

    Just repeat that over and over, and don't use any weapon attacks (because that will slow your SC regen).

    When I want to do more damage, my loadout becomes:
    M.Lev, Pyro, P.E, P.R, Bastion (or Invisibility ), and T.Bolt (or grandeur)

    I use Shuriken Storm WM and perform my rotation by starting resonance then go into
    WM -> Lev/P.E -> WM -> Pyro/P.E.

    After using pyro, i repeat WM -> Lev/P.E. for 12 seconds, then I reapply my pyro DOTs.
    The damage from this build is similar to that of a battle troll, but the power back to yourself and others is easier as you stay regenerated while getting to spam your power dump.

    I only advise this technique if the DPSs are using AMs. If you are having to keep more than 4 players powered, you'll likely need to go back to Troll, and use PoT
  11. D3vi1 Dedicated Player

    My hybrid build didn't necessarily have to have the power back mechanic. I created it before that was even brought up.
    It was basically to utilize damage from WM>GG, WM>Foam. You had to be a more experience troller in general in order to picture the situation of whether or not you want to push power but for the most part, you wasn't excessively draining any power.

    During that time, everyone was using WM and there was no AM. A solo troller could easily power the group. During my first test, it was the first SM in Oan. I hybrid with the Test Initiative and there was no power issue at all.

    By doing this, you could have easily used it with any troll power.
  12. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    I was running Battle troll long before D3vi1, The Dark or any one else posted some thread relating to the same. In fact, a whole lot of people I know have run such builds, just that no one really bothered to make a guide or post a thread about it.

    The ideas' by themselves are not very unique and people with enough time on their characters have experimented enough to get to know their power sets and roles. At one point, I used to run 4 different builds on my troll with different stats literally set up on 4 sets of gear.

    So, if the OP owes an apology to D3vi1, then he and D3vi1 and you owe an apology to me for attempting to misappropriate my body of work which I disclosed on the old forums on some HL guide three years ago.

    Also, general and generic information are not subject to copyright but that don't mean that OP has no claim to ownership over his posts which he does, the copyright exists in the manner in which the information is placed before you in the unique style the OP uses to bring forth his write up.

    Also, he has given due credit to initial source of information and copyright law provides an exception in a case where an individual cites another's work without permission when the same relates to educational purposes and similarly the OP is afforded protection under the copyright law. This don't mean that D3vi1 has no right to his body of work which he does but that work is not an exclusive piece of work and a copyright does not mean that others are refrained to talk about a particular subject matter. The restrain is against misappropriation of the manner of presentation regarding generic subject matter, which is not permitted to be reproduced but allows others to express the same idea differently in their own voice and words or whatever medium they choose.
  13. TheDark Devoted Player

    The OP's "Hybrid" is referring to being in damage role while giving power with a split on offense and support stats. He's not strictly talking about being in Controller stance and doing damage. His "hybrid" is different from a "battle troll." Hybrid mostly benefits from the damage modifiers.

    So with the AM power return for dps, and other tools from Home Turf that help restore power, the Hybrid was actually unique at that point. Hybrids (being in damage stance while giving power) didn't really function well before the AM power regen was put in unless the group was running really easy content.

    To be fair in regards to battle controlling history, the first person to ever bring up being offensive with the role was DeadPool5241. This was way back like 6 months into the game before Omar's thread. His old Gadget thread's posts mostly talked about it. So we all have to pay him royalties xD. His high damage controller playstyles (sometimes he melee'd adds in FoS2) were mentioned alot.

    Even on the old forums few players did post about it. Although Shady was a Battery build player, he promoted it when he did the gadget thread. A year into the game I also played offense with the Controller role (not hybrid = being in damage role to give power) because I agreed with Deadpool's logic that the role by default was aggressive when it came to damage. Even a mental guy named Sylar-man (Biffman) was very vocal about offensive controlling on the forums but at the time a majority of players dismissed it because they weren't very good at multi-tasking with the role.

    It's definitely a playstyle that was brought up in the past a year or 2 into the game. It just never really got it's own thread discussing it. It just was read this bi-weekly scheduled thread about controllers just being batteries & it's awful and post my offensive player style (with the exception of Deadpool's posts) then get resistance.
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  14. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    I think I have experimented with quite a few builds including hybrids that you speak of. I am also sure a whole lot of other people have too. It is perhaps viable in the new content but a doubt a solo troll would adapt such build for powering raids and doing damage at the same time.

    As far as battle controlling goes, way back in the early days, it was quite limited as I was just a power battery and nothing more. Hybrids/full on battle trolling was not even viable except in coordinated groups considering the stats were too low, then. Also, royalties are payable for a protected body of work which has been acquired for consideration and a thread on a troll build does not qualify.

    Now, the stats are way to high for controllers and they can indulge themselves in battle trolling/hybrids but it would still need extremely competent players to make it happen since solo trolling has become a norm.

    The reason I posted what I posted was because Proxystar was going on negatively about how something belongs to someone and that it is exclusive and misappropriated which is not the case.
  15. TheDark Devoted Player

    You mean a controller adapt hybrid or battle controller for new content? James up there is in my league. He's actually ran a hybrid build (damage role but gives power) in current t7 raids and the group stayed powered. So it still is viable. That's due to power return mechanics easing power demands. It won't work with reckless players though. Offensive controller is also viable because I still play that way and mix it up with my battery build.

    You missed the joke referring to the royalties. The agrument proxy and the others had is something I think they worked out already in private. The game isn't entirely unlimited with options. Because it's limited people who have never met will at some point come to the same or similar conclusions. At least the creative ones. I try to just let people figure that out.

    Just like I mentioned, Hybrids were not successful then due to My previous posts reasons. Despite low stats and no modding at the time, offensive controller play styles were doable. Especially in the early days when most players were not performing high power consumption rotations. Damage and d.p.s. Literally came from weapons then powers. High power consumption rotations didn't become popular (not used) until almost a year after the game's release.

    I remember this because I've been a high damage controller for a long time. This was also a time when same DoT powers from powersets could stack. Powers like stasis field and thought bubble were ideal offensive powers. Even Fear Gas. Their power interaction with ice and other encasement breaker powers also benefited other powersets. We just have had different experiences.
  16. Warlock Well-Known Player

  17. Pults Loyal Player

    Is doable with mental and gadgets (shortcut AM) but is way less effective compared to HL chained combos.
  18. Warlock Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I'm guessing these 2 would lack the power to put up anything significant on the scoreboard--which means why bother :). It's not going to speed up the burn. Whereas I'm guessing a HL can get up to 1/3 or higher of the DPS (depending how good the HL is or how bad the DPS is).
  19. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I haven't played in 6 months, so I don't know what has changed since then. But at the time, I was doing 1/3rd the damage of a dps while acting as a solo or support battery. My techniques were mentioned in past posts which I'm sure you saw, however I am certain they are outdated now.
  20. Warlock Well-Known Player

    In my link above to Dark's post, he mentions the change in power regen while in DPS stance is no longer affected by Vit. Not sure if that makes it impossible to pull off your build or not--but I've not read about anyone doing it on the forums.