Maybe it's my ps3 maybe it's all ps3s

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by VierraVoltage, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. VierraVoltage Well-Known Player

    Hello, I'm Vierra Voltage, i wanted to report 2 bugs that are a daily occurrence for me.

    1) During League Hall Malfunction Duo.....every single time i get down to the lockup/jail part of the mission, while standing there waiting for my ps3 to catch up, I hard freeze, causing me to hard reboot.....wait for the ps3 to check itself so errors then restart the game.

    2) During Arkham Asylum, i walked in i beat mister freeze and everyone between him and Poison Ivy....during the fight with poison Ivy when you have those little pods spawn, and yo0u can throw them or have them hatch into little tree people. well about half way through the wait time I hard froze.....figured was my ps3, but this time after i do the hard reboot, and reload, I'm linkdead but it starts me dead in the ivy fight. I respawn and same freeze in the same spot, happened 5 times in a row so i just left Arkham.......I have beat it many times before so thinking maybe the walk in solo is why it caused it
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  2. Dabrow72 New Player

    Hello, my character's name is Alympis on PS3 and I wanted report a Feat Bug! I completed the following feats and none were awarded to me even though it shows in the Recent Accomplishments Feat menu.
    1) Energizer feat = completed the day after the recent update on 3/3/2016. 2) Playscape feat = completed on 3/5/2016. 3) 99 bottles feat = completed today(3/12/2016). Please find a fix cause it just won't be fair if I lost those pts.Thanks for your time Devs.
  3. Zamara Dedicated Player

    I found you :eek: and I tried doing #2 and everything worked normal for me, finished without crashing :p
  4. VierraVoltage Well-Known Player

    Zamara I Love you!!!!!
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  5. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    From my experiences. League Hall: Malfunction always freezes on me. I avoid it like the plague now. But with relevancy, marks going the way of the dodo for high level players, it serves to steer me away from that particular mission anyways.

    Arkham Asylum. One run we had a high level player rush through the mission. Took down Scarecrow in 5.8 seconds flat. All proud of himself too. Of course we all ended up stuck in the locked room while Scarecrow was glitched. So since then I been trying to hold back with my high level characters in group against bosses. Doesn't seem to be too much of a problem against adds.

    Now. Rage Impurity I think it is. The end battle, the Engineer always glitches / freezes. Makes it like a quarter way across the battlefield before getting stuck. Usually have to wait for Rage Lanterns to KO him to start all over again. Always long and drawn out till it eventually corrects itself.
  6. OANGL Well-Known Player

    I have never hard frozen on these missions. What is your Internet connection like? Does your ps3 overheat a lot?
  7. Zamara Dedicated Player

  8. DcuoRebecca Level 30

    The exact spot that you froze in Arkham happened to me a few times before I got my ps4, this was about a year and a half ago, so dont expect a fix anytime soon. In my opinion the best thing you can do is get a ps4, avoid the instances or only run with friends that know about the issue and will wait for you to come back.