USPC only if ur looking for ps3 look for marvel legends were t 6 members and helpful also we pvp have raid night and pvp night Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women ! if you have a cool marvel toon on pc lets us know! We take from new toons or if you have one , this league we never argue it's all fun ! Requirements to Join Active players only Mature is a must inbox me here or apply at our Our current roster is As of 9/22/14 Most member t6 and higher pve (100 cr plus) Main. Alt. alt Thor Thanos Gambit Spades Jubilee Black panther Bishop Gravity Justice Mimic Captin America Scarlet witch Weapon Alpha Galatus Iron patroit toon is open now Moonknight toon is open now Agent coulson Wolverine Deadpool Deadpool son Colossous Ronan the acusser Starlord Dr doom Storm. toon is open now Cable. toon is open now Troy Hurcules Winter solider Dark Phoenix Iron fist Canonball Odin of asgarurd Torin of asgarurd silver surfer Luck cage Night crawler. toon is open now Silver suffer toon is open now Thora Asgard Hulk Black knight Black widow Loki Mystic Arc angel. Toon is open now Spiderboy Ben Spiderman miles morals
Hmmmm... I'm actually half tempted. Do you have room for a Phyla-Vell (Quantum - Captain Marvel/Quasar) and a Jean Grey type (Mental)?
We don't have a Phyla-Vell or a jean grey were helpful and ppl league in this league get alone great . We love to have a Phyla-Vell and Jean let me know
USPC We have from newbie to t6 members and helpful also we pvp have raid night and pvp night Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women ! if you have a cool marvel toon on pc lets us know! We take from new toons or if you have one , this league we never argue it's all fun ! We have a nice league hall with some proficiency Requirements to Join Active players only Mature is a must inbox me here or apply at our Our current roster is As of 11/18/14 Most member t6 and higher pve (100 cr plus)(some members 90 pvp) Main. Alt. alt Thor Hercules Magneto Black panther Captin America Scarlet witch Galactus Hemdall Villain X Professor X Morgan lafey Diretor fury Gambit Spades Jubilee Ironman Emma Frost Wolverine Doc Sampson Marvel Winter solider X23 Dark Phoenix Iron fist Canonball Wunder man Odin of asgarurd Torin of asgarurd quick silver Colossous Ronan the acusser Storm Black Widow Cable. toon is open now Troy Moonknight toon is open now Luck cage Night crawler. toon is open now Silver suffer toon is open now Thora Asgard Hulk Black knight Starlord Dr doom now open Loki Mystic Arc angel. Toon is open now Spiderboy Ben Spiderman miles morals
USPC (Any Avengers ,Xmen ,X-force,Olympus gods ,Asgardian's, All Marvel Universe) We have from newbie to t6 members and helpful also we pvp have raid night and pvp night Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women that love having fun and like a family atmosphere ! if you have a cool marvel toon on pc lets us know or wanna convert or man new one as long as your active we will help ! We take from new toons or if you have one , this league we never argue or down others it's all fun ! We help new players learn the game ! We have a nice league hall with some proficiency! Requirements to Join Active players only Mature is a must No bashing others in or outside our league ! inbox me here or apply at our Looking for a (Iceman Tank , Hyperion ,rocket racoon , groot , Cable , Nightcrawler qutaum troll , deadpool , Hawkeye , redhulk tank , Rouge , silver sable , beast earth tank , Juggernaut tank earth , Doc Strange sorcery Healer ,Aries god of war , Zeus ,(Any Avengers ,Xmen ,X-force,Olympus gods ,Asgardian's, All Marvel Universe).. just some great toons we love to have . most our member are 105+ cr but like helping others level that want to go far and raid with us!
USPCWe have from newbie to t6 members and helpful also we pvp have raid night andMarvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women ! if you have a cool marvel toon on pc lets us know!We take from new toons or if you have one , this league we never argue it's all fun !We have a nice league hall with some proficiencyRequirements to JoinActive players onlyMature is a mustinbox me here or apply at current roster isAs of 12/1814Most member t6 and higher pve (100 cr plus)(some members 90 pvp)Main. Alt. altThor Hercules MagnetoBlack pantherCaptin America Scarlet witchGalactus Hemdall Villain XProfessor X Morgan lafey Diretor furyGambit Spades JubileeIronmanEmma FrostWolverineDoc Sampson MarvelWinter soliderX23FirestarterAmerican DreamWunder manwaspNightcrawlerDark PhoenixIron fist CanonballWunder manOdin of asgarurdTorin of asgarurd quick silverColossous Ronan the acusserStormBlack WidowCable. toon is open nowTroyMoonknight toon is open nowLuck cage is now openNight crawler. toon is open nowSilver suffer toon is open nowThora AsgardHulkBlack knightStarlord Dr doom now openLoki MysticArc angel. Toon is open nowSpiderboy BenSpiderman miles morals