I had a level level 30 t3 warpath for about 2 years. but wanted to start fresh and i just started last night. Hopefully i can get an invite!
Our current roster is As of 7/09/14 Most member t5 and higher pve (90 cr plus) Main. Alt. alt Thor Thanos Gambit Warpath Jubilee Black panther Bishop Gravity Justice Mimic Captin America Scarlet witch Namor Sentry Guardian Moonknight Colossous Ronan the acusser Starlord Galactis Storm Cable Domino She hulk Winter solider Iron fist Hawkeye Odin of asgarurd Torin of asgarurd Sunspot Black widow Loki Mystic Arc angel Spiderboy Ben Spiderman miles morals
I'll let you know tonight but most members don't give there's up if you can think of a back up plan I would advise that is he a alt for you .. ?
I would love for this group to be my main so i don't mind creating a new hero or something. but let me know man. and i understand if it doesn't work out.
On the PC (computer) not ps or ps4 Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women !we don't want Quantity we prefer Quality Were a Fun mature league looking for helpful players. We age from 18 to 50 .We want People with great personalities We don't like drama just fun !that willing to help our players advance in our league! Were only taking a small number or recruits. so if u like Small close family theme and wan to play together for long haul apply with us We Do Weekly Raids ,PVP! So if you have one already or willing to build from scratch let us know ... Keep In Mind AND PLEASE DON'T HATE , IN NO WAY WE MEAN ANY DISRESPECT TO DC WE LOVE DC ,WE JUST LIKE BEING UNIQUE AND EVERYONE KNOWS THERE'S A MILLION SUPERMAN'S ,BATMAN'S AND LANTERNS RUNNING AROUND! If your name simalar or can be unknow marvel we have spades , Troy , black knight ect so unknow hero as long as they pull up as a marvel toon We raid Thursday night and pvp tuseday nights 9:00 pm est cost time zone Most our member are T6 Most of us use mics but not all or necessary We want Exp player at this point that's willing join as there main Or someone new willing to learn USPC LEAGUE Requirements to Join Active players only Age 18+ Join website Mature is a must We have a private Facebook group and chat for members We share top and trades what ever is helpful to the league . facebook is fastest way to reach us inbox me here or apply at our facebook.com/marveludcuo Web site and read rules http://marvelu.guildlaunch.com/
League halls are here check us out for a great leaugue that's works togather and no bashing each other alll fun ! Most never all t6 and helpful and we pvp ! Raid night and a pvp night !
On the PC (computer) not ps or ps4 Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women !we don't want Quantity we prefer Quality Were a Fun mature league looking for helpful players. We age from 18 to 50 .We want People with great personalities We don't like drama just fun !that willing to help our players advance in our league! Were only taking a small number or recruits. so if u like Small close family theme and wan to play together for long haul apply with us We Do Weekly Raids ,PVP! So if you have one already or willing to build from scratch let us know ... Keep In Mind AND PLEASE DON'T HATE , IN NO WAY WE MEAN ANY DISRESPECT TO DC WE LOVE DC ,WE JUST LIKE BEING UNIQUE AND EVERYONE KNOWS THERE'S A MILLION SUPERMAN'S ,BATMAN'S AND LANTERNS RUNNING AROUND! If your name simalar or can be unknow marvel we have spades , Troy , black knight ect so unknow hero as long as they pull up as a marvel toon We raid Thursday night and pvp tuseday nights 9:00 pm est cost time zone Most our member are T6 Most of us use mics but not all or necessary We want Exp player at this point that's willing join as there main Or someone new willing to learn USPC LEAGUE Requirements to Join Active players only Age 18+ Mature is a must We have a private Facebook group and chat for members We share top and trades what ever is helpful to the league . facebook is fastest way to reach us inbox me here or apply at our facebook.com/marveludcuo Web site and read rules http://marvelu.guildlaunch.com
USPC only if ur looking for ps3 look for marvel legends were t 6 members and helpful also we pvp have raid night and pvp night Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women ! if you have a cool marvel toon on pc lets us know! Requirements to Join Active players only Age 18+ Mature is a must inbox me here or apply at our facebook.com/marveludcuo Our current roster is As of 7/24/14 Most member t6 and higher pve (100 cr plus) Main. Alt. alt Thor Thanos Gambit Spades Jubilee Black panther Bishop Gravity Justice Mimic Captin America Scarlet witch Weapon Alpha Galatus Iron patroit Moonknight Colossous Ronan the acusser Starlord Dr doom Storm Cable Troy Hurcules Winter solider Iron fist Canonball Odin of asgarurd Torin of asgarurd Night crawler Silver suffer Thora Asgard Hulk Black knight Black widow Loki Mystic Arc angel Spiderboy Ben Spiderman miles morals
im hoping to join iv not played in a long time so il be starting a new toon so i can fill any role ya need plus im a lifetime member from beta so got all the dlc. looking to play on the pc