Marvel Universe Recruiting

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by generalzod, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. generalzod Committed Player

    League halls are here !!!! We will have one
    On the PC (computer) not ps or ps4
    Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men & women !we don't want Quantity we prefer Quality Were a Fun mature league looking for helpful players. We age from 18 to 50 .We want People with great personalities We don't like drama just fun !that willing to help our players advance in our league! Were only taking a small number or recruits. so if u like Small close family theme and wan to play together for long haul apply with us We Do Weekly Raids ,PVP! So if you have one already or willing to build from scratch let us know ... Keep In Mind AND PLEASE DON'T HATE , IN NO WAY WE MEAN ANY DISRESPECT TO DC WE LOVE DC ,WE JUST LIKE BEING UNIQUE AND EVERYONE KNOWS THERE'S A MILLION SUPERMAN'S ,BATMAN'S AND LANTERNS RUNNING AROUND!

    Marvel Universe is looking for new hero's to join the fight !
    We raid Thursday night @ 9:00 pm est cost time zone
    Most our member are T6
    Most of us use mics but not all or necessary
    We want Exp player at this point that's willing join as there main
    Or someone new willing to learn

    Requirements to Join
    Active players only
    Age 18+
    Mature is a must

    We have a private Facebook group and chat for members
    We share top and trades what ever is helpful to the league .
    facebook is fastest way to reach us
    inbox me here or apply at our
    Or leave a ingame mail THOR THUNDARGOD there 2 number 0 instead of the letter o

    inbox me here or apply at our
    My tag is THOR THUNDARGOD there 2 number 0 instead of the letter o

  2. generalzod Committed Player

    We have from newbie to t6 members and helpful also we pvp have raid night and
    Marvel Universe is looking for just a few good men women ! if you have a cool marvel toon on pc lets us know!
    We take from new toons or if you have one , this league we never argue it's all fun !
    We have a nice league hall with some proficiency
    Requirements to Join
    Active players only
    Mature is a must
    inbox me here or apply at our
    Our current roster is
    As of 12/1814
    Most member t6 and higher pve (100 cr plus)(some members 90 pvp)
    Main. Alt. alt
    Thor Hercules Magneto
    Black panther
    Captin America Scarlet witch
    Galactus Hemdall Villain X
    Professor X Morgan lafey Diretor fury
    Gambit Spades Jubilee
    Emma Frost
    Doc Sampson Marvel
    Winter solider
    American Dream
    Wunder man
    Dark Phoenix
    Iron fist Canonball
    Wunder man
    Odin of asgarurd
    Torin of asgarurd quick silver
    Colossous Ronan the acusser
    Black Widow
    Cable. toon is open now
    Moonknight toon is open now
    Luck cage is now open
    Night crawler. toon is open now
    Silver suffer toon is open now
    Thora Asgard
    Black knight
    Starlord Dr doom now open
    Loki Mystic
    Arc angel. Toon is open now
    Spiderboy Ben
    Spiderman miles morals
  3. Abstrakt Loyal Player

  4. KillSwiich Well-Known Player

    I would love to start a marvel character for ur league what characters are available
  5. generalzod Committed Player

    love to have you ! im gonna inbox you some ideas
  6. KillSwiich Well-Known Player

  7. generalzod Committed Player

  8. vespa neo Active Player

    looking to join
    USPS Hero - vespa neo - Electric Healer; 103 CR
    USPS Villain - vespa wonder - Light Controller; 103 CR
  9. generalzod Committed Player

    Nice imma send you info

    My tag is THOR THUNDARGOD there 2 number 0 instead of the letter o

  10. generalzod Committed Player

  11. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    How long you guys been up and running? how many members you have so far? Would you be interested in merging if the situation was good? let me know.

    Also , if you guys have villain Marvel toons and are looking for an adult Marvel league hit me up. "DARK REIGN" is always looking for cool people with authentic Marvel toons.
  12. generalzod Committed Player

    lets talk ill inbox u
  13. generalzod Committed Player

    Looking for mature adults who along for the long ride were a marvel family..
    Good ideas were looking for a tony Starks/ironman , hulk ,juggernaut , colossus , falcon ,human torch ,punisher , deadpool, daredevil , winter solider , the thing , silver surfer ,quicksilver,scarlet witch ,hawkeye ,black widow,Emma frost , iceman , wolverine , Luke cage , morph , wasp , spider girl ,magneto ,beast ,sabertooth ,toad ,pyro are just some ideas of what we like to have
  14. generalzod Committed Player

  15. generalzod Committed Player

    Still recruiting good players that love marvel

    Requirements to Join
    Active players only
    Age 18+
    Join website
    Mature is a must

    My tag is THOR THUNDARGOD there 2 number 0 instead of the letter o

    FACE BOOK Marvel Universe league dcuo
  16. generalzod Committed Player

    Our current roster is
    As of 5/16/14

    Tony starks
    Black panther
    She panther (shuri)
    Captin America
    Justice (Vance_Astrovik)
    Wonder man
    Winter soilder
    Iron fist
    Dr Strange
    Francis barton
    Fire starter
    Miss America (Madeline Joyce)
    Death lock
    Arc angel
    She hulk
  17. Ava1Spade New Player

    But I want to be Spiderboy!
  18. generalzod Committed Player

    if your on pc were looking for
    Good ideas were looking for is a tank we don't have alot of good tanks or heals ! Like to have a Hulk/Planet Hulk , Red Hulk , Colossus , Juggernaut , Strong guy , Beast , Iceman , Human Torch ,Rhino , Luke cage , The thing , Odin ,Pyro, Sabertooth ,colossus , blob

    Or some Healers
    Quicksilver , Scarlet witch , Silver surfer ,Rouge , Dr strange , Mr marvel , nova, morph , vision

    And will always take trolls
    Black Willow , Hawkeye , Punisher , Daredevil , Ant man ,X-23 , Electra , wasp , Spidergirl, Magneto, War machine,deadpool ,spiderman,magneto,wolverine, jean grey,Emma frost
  19. generalzod Committed Player

    Still recruiting good players that love marvel

    Requirements to Join
    Active players only
    Age 18+
    Join website
    Mature is a must
  20. Nick Noir New Player

    I'm trying to join nick noir