Marvel Themed Villain League looking to Recruit, Regroup, Revitalize.

Discussion in 'League Recruitment Center' started by Mighty Hyperion, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Any leagues or players who have Marvel Character themed toons who are interested in possibly merging or working together feel free to message me. We are always willing to lend a hand with Character looks, and content.
  2. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Have an Existing Marvel character? have plans of creating one? We here at DARK REIGN would love to help and give you a place to live and level up.
  3. Tone52 New Player

    I would like to join I'm just having trouble in picking a villian who's powers I have I don't have them all unlocked sadly..
  4. Triumph or Die Well-Known Player

    You stated that the names with the asterisk * are ones that someone might be willing to give up to a new member? If so, I'm definitely in! I'm interested in either Black Panther or Nighthawk (really want Nighthawk)!
  5. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    I'll check with them and see what I can do.
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  6. Tone52 New Player

    Seeing as the names with * are the ones someone might be willing to give up. Would Juggernaut be available? If asked of course.
  7. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    Not likely our juggernaut would want to let him go, it's one of his more liked alts.
  8. The peoples Badguy Committed Player

    The Bad One supports any villain league that kills hero's. He will gladly lend a hand if needed.
  9. Mighty Hyperion Committed Player

    what powers do you have/like most
  10. Tone52 New Player

    I have the basics sorcery fire ice nature gadgets and mental. I enjoy nature and sorcery. But am open to trying a new power such as fire or ice.
  11. Triumph or Die Well-Known Player

    That would be awesome! I have 5 villains currently and I would be more than happy to change one or more of their names to Nighthawk or BIack Panther! My main villain is CR 142, so I'd probably change him first.
  12. Mangy780 Well-Known Player

    This is the best thing I've read all day.
  13. Triumph or Die Well-Known Player

    So.....I haven't heard anything back from you about the names I asked about being made available so I could get my toons in your league? Any chance I could get some updated info? Thanks!

    P.S. I was interested in the names BIack Panther and NlGHTHAWK.
  14. Rebel230 Well-Known Player

    What head style is that?
  15. Capt Neutron New Player

    I'm creating a Mach-V would you consider him hero side or villains. What side is Genis on?