Marvel Rivals on the Horizon!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Game is superb.
  2. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    If the game is really good. Good.
    Me, I just don't do pvp nomore. I can enjoy as a spectator of it.
  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm fully aware of the whole "gentlemen's agreement" concept in PvP. Back in the Star Wars Galaxies days, for example, certain pilot abilities or starships were considered bad form to use in space PvP/duels because of the advantages those held. So I wasn't surprised to see similar things happening here.

    That said, I think it's a bunch of nonsense. I don't PvP often (if at all) but on the occasions I do, I fight to win. Period. Red equals dead, and I'm going to use every available tool in my toolbox given by the devs and my own abilities to come out as the winner. If I win, I win. If I lose, I lose. I accept the result and move on.

    Trying to put arbitrary rules in place over what can and can't be used when the people who ACTUALLY set the rules allow the use of those items/abilities has and will always rub me the wrong way in that regard. Maybe it's just from watching too much anime or whatever, but if you feel the need to hamstring yourself and others for a fight you're really not showing much respect for the fight or your opponent, no matter what emotes you use.

    Whatever I fight in the game, whether it's PvP or PvE, I'm bringing my all and using everything available to me that I choose to use. The game itself isn't going to hold back when it's PvE, and so I expect any PvP opponent to do the same. If they choose not to use what's available to them, I'm not going to have a whole lot of sympathy for any complaints about a loss they take.
  4. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I don't think you are wrong but like you said you on't pvp often so of course if you come to blows with someone who does there will be friction. That's why fight clubbed worked. Everyone who participated essentially agreed to the rules or they would get jumped by the opposing faction and it would be allowed to happen. You can't regulate a duel in the watchtower unless both parties agree to terms. Someone who gets mad at soda use under those circumstances should always be prepared that someone doesn't follow the same "code" as them.

    Outside of those specific contexts, if its red it's dead always applies
  5. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    This should have been moved to Joker's Funhouse already, but eh. Duty shirkin'.
    I'm more concerned that Marvel Games is fine with working with NetEase after the money laundering fiasco in recent months. They burned bridges with Gazillion for less, resulting in the closure of the studio and shut down of Marvel Heroes Omega.

    Tried it out and it's a perfect Overwatch clone, but several characters need some rebalancing for their absurdly low damage compared to others. If they add PVE content in some fashion they can do what Overwatch 2 failed to do.
    • Like x 1
  6. BƖack Dedicated Player

    DCUO also had a chance to be good, populated and an e-sport, but the creators decided to turn their backs on us.
  7. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Tbf they should just remove other sections and keep the Gotham City that remains the only as active.
  8. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    A great marvel rivals review and comparison as to why it's successful over other games. It also discusses where it sites most:

    • Like x 2
  9. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    It's likely they not able to fix the counters. But the window is 0.85 which is not good for intervals and ms time for everyone.
    Default interp is 0.1 and for better timing and no delays and hitbox. People use 0.067
    The problem with devs window of 0.85 which is to other players takes about 0.3 to 0.7 of a time for them to see it.
    I've done testing on it with two PlayStations and two TV's. Side by side.
    0.85 that devs set the counter window to is a terrible idea for the networking.
    That just makes it go over a second to other players.

    Block and do 3 taps and still get block broken on other players reaction after you did your first tap.
    And the taps and speed are different for weapon weapon types.
    Block and release and opponent does an attack and gets blocked countered.
    The 0.85 integrates with the network. There shouldn't be a window at all. It's all on players reaction to the blocking and just need a a reaction to block break just a half a second after which is 0.50 interp.
    And not 2 seconds after. Literally get block broken 2 seconds after releasing block and able to do 3 taps.
    It is a unfair system with the 0.85 counter window.
    If they had lowered it to 0.65, it reduces the delays of being countered.
    And counters are which meant for reaction and that's it.
    Block, 3 taps of brawling > 1.5 second.
    If there's anything the now devs can do is reduce it. Since no one ever does PvP. It's a good time to experiment with it.
    To better understand this
    Google valve source networking and it explains it there.
    Devs didn't lower it to 0.67. So that way the window.ana the interp equals to just a second.
    Right when your windows is off. It still appears to other players for just a second more.
    It seems the devs making it 0.85 and forgot about the networking also.

    That is what mostly killed pvp. Many people have different network and have different pings.
    That counter window 0.85 really messes up the ping and interp.