Marvel Rivals on the Horizon!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BƖack, Nov 18, 2024.

  1. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Yeah, but are we forced to play the grind and grind of pvp games? Well not really but it depends on how much we play to get strong enough for the ranks.
    Like in division and destiny some play play constant for a month to finally get some legendary pieces when other players played for a week and gets some.
  2. Multiverse Creator League

    I m sure Marvel Rivals has potential.


    It is still not a MMO.

    Can you create your own character in Marvel Rivals??? or create any characters at all??
    Can you customize the look of your character??
    Can you play PvE????
    Can you just fly around exploring the open world???

    You seem to be focused on PvP.
    Glad if Marvel Rivals will give you your PvP Fix.... but....

    Most DCUO players play PvE.

    Wayyyyy back when.... when PvP was at it s peak.....
    Spytle told us that at best only 20% of the player base played PvP.... and that included people who played PvP once and never played it again.

    Nowadays it is probably even less then that.

    I m sure many who like PvP might leave to play Marvel Rivals.....
    But...... that is only a small portion of the player base.

    Any players who play PvE only will have no reason to play Marvel Rivals.

    I guess we will know in a few weeks. :)
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    Not overrating anything.

    You seem to think everyone plays PvP.

    Not the case... at all.
    Only a small portion of DCUO players play PvP.

    Most play PvE.

    Why do you think DCUO gave up on PvP to focus on PvE only??

    DCUO nothing special???
    How many other games out there are like DCUO???
    How many games you can create any Super-Hero you want.... or any character you want for that matter??
    seeing the DBZ.... the Transformers..... the Thundercats characters in DCUO.... and More!! ;)

    How many games where you can fly??

    Yes DCUO has issues....
    But no other game offers what DCUO offers right now.

    Champion Online has graphics that are ancient compared to DCUO.
    City of Heroes has fan made servers.

    If you want to play a PvE Super-Hero game in a persistent world....
    DCUO is it.
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  4. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    And let's not forget how Marvel tried to make a Marvel MMORPG and failed... TWICE! At least one of the 2 attempts was cancelled before it even launched! o_O

    As for City of Heroes/City of Villains... there is this long-running, crowdfunded attempt to launch a new, updated version called City of Titans. Apparently it's possible to purchase the game... yes, you have to BUY it, just as was the case with its predecessor when it launched... and it's playable in some form. But I believe that AT BEST it's an Open Beta type of situation at present. It'll probably be quite a long time before it's as complete and polished as DCUO.

    So, like it or not, people.... if you want a comic book MMORPG that still gets new playable content and new gear, and that lets you create YOUR characters YOUR way (within the limits of the Character Creation Tools the game gives us, but again, new Style options are constantly being added to the game to give you MORE tools to make YOUR characters YOUR way)... well, basically, DCUO is the only REAL game in town.
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  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    I've personally made characters from 2000 A.D./Judge Dredd, Marvel, Top Cow, Star Wars, The Tick, and Masters of the Universe! All of them are recognizable as to who they are, and play as they should! I don't know of another MMORPG that makes such a diverse range of "Generic Inspired By" characters possible! ;)
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  6. BƖack Dedicated Player

    Bro we'll hit soon 2025 btw, seems you stuck in 2011 o_O Well i'm from the future and I'll tell you that flying, exploring an open world, creating your own character is nothing special in 2024. Many games offer way way better experiences than DCUO.

    This game is on a dying course and you say it can compete with other games? Like Throne and Liberty or Marvel Rivals? xD
  7. Classic Gold New Player

    If this game is in fact dying as you so claim then why are you here ?. I am all for having fun with what we play , but if you don't like playing DCUO then leave . Are you bitter because you're not getting what you expected . Really no need to try and prove that you're right and to win this argument.
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  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    The very fact that you are here, playing this game, only proves that it gives you something you clearly can't get with those other games, or else you'd be happily playing them!

    Actions speak louder than words, and your actions prove that your words are false. Check and Mate. Good Day.
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  9. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I am here for a specific reason.
  10. BƖack Dedicated Player

    What? I don't play this... so called a ''game''.
    Even if u paid me, i wouldn't.
  11. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Then why are you even here? If you don't play the game at all, your opinions on it are completely WORTHLESS! Good day!
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  12. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Oh, I see... so, you're a paid shill for that new game, is that it? Here only to advertise it, and try to get people to come play it? 'Cause if so, I'm pretty sure that's against this Forum's rules. Initial post getting reported now. Good day to you. Don't let the (virtual) door hit your @$$ on the way out! :p
  13. Lecadre New Player

    Marvel Rivals is not really a moba, it falls more into the hero shooter genre, and Fortnite is a battle royale, not a moba either, the moba genre has been pretty much as dead as the mmorpg genre since long ago, theres no relevant market for those anymore.

    Also League of Legends has not been relevant for a long time, in fact most of the audience who watched Arcane do not even know about the source material, the tv show is more popular than the game itself, and most of its playerbase are old-times while theres no new people coming in from this generaiton.
  14. Obviously Level 30

    Are you aware what MOBA stands for? Because you just said it's not a MOBA... then said it's like one of the most world famous MOBA's created.

    Multiplayer Online Battle Arena. If it's team-based PVP, and there's no mjaor PVE elements whatsoever.. it's a MOBA. You're welcome for the free English lesson.
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  15. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Bro you know exactly what people mean when they say MOBA. You are using literal definitions to argue over colloquial jargon. Your definition would classify nearly ever pvp focused game a MOBA. Don't be that guy. When people say Moba they explicitly mean games LIke LoL, DoTA , Smite etc or are you going to tell me that people were calling Team Fortress 2 (because OVerwatch is a TF2 clone) a MOBA or Street fighter where you are 2 characters in a arena in timed match to see who can deplete their opponents life bar first or Mario Kart's battle mode where you drive around and arena and eliminate your opponents, or twisted metal, or Call of duty etc etc. Hero Shooter is the generally agreed upon term for this type of game. I know it, You Know it and, everyone who reads this knows it.
  16. Multiverse Creator League

    The wait is over.

    Here is my First Impression video. ;)

  17. Multiverse Creator League

    Now.... for people who think players will leave DCUO for Marvel Rivals.....

    Not really.

    Some PvP players might leave for Marvel Rivals.....
    But at this point most DCUO Players are PvE players.... and there is no PvE in Marvel Rivals.

    Also... you cannot customize your character in Marvel Rivals the way you can in DCUO.
    No option to create your own character.
    You can only customize the look of your character by buying skins like in Marvel's Avengers.
    There are about 3 skins per character right now (some have a few more)....
    and sadly.... some of those skins are the same skins but with a different color.

    Marvel Rivals seem to be a fun game....
    But I strongly doubt that people will leave DCUO for Marvel Rivals.

    Heck I could see some people play Marvel Rivals for PvP....
    and keep on playing DCUO for PvE??

    I guess we will have to wait and see. ;) ;)
  18. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The real issue for DC Universe is it focuses too heavily on PVE. I wouldn't be surprised if the statistics show that only 20% play PVE now. The rest of the player base wait around and stand around and make the game toxic. If you focus your game to heavily on one game mode when it should be focused on both as it was in the beginning. you end up with the opposite effect. 20% playing pvp has now become 20% only playing pve.

    In all seriousness they have not even scratched the surface of any potential for the PVP system or the game mode itself.

    PVP is entirely a whole another potential this game has not even touched yet. Is extremely scary cuz it could ruin PVE entirely and all the work they have made with PVE. Imagine nobody running PVE because the potential with PVP is insane a thousand times more enjoyable than PVE ever was. I would be extremely scary to touch that game mode as well I don't blame the Developers for steering clear of it.

    It could be a very bad idea to increase the potential of PVP we wouldn't want DC Universe to have too much player base it would seriously affect the servers
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  19. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    And yet previously the exact opposite happened - PVP numbers were so low compared to PVE that the devs decided there was no point catering to such a tiny minority.
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  20. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    How many times do you think people can run the same. Missions over and over and over and OVER again just to get some feat or do this 100 times to unlock a feat for a Skill Point or currency to buy gear that let's you go Pew Pew on the same npc? The challenge of fighting a real life person's character is more exciting to people because you're up against another human who's pattern isn't pre-programmed. That's why PVE seems fun to people and this game, sadly has given up on it.