Fixed Manor Lair Bug|| Armories Display

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Eve, Sep 15, 2021.

  1. valiant Villian Well-Known Player

    It is definitely a graphics bug. The bookcase is supposed to slide open and closed, not disappear from view. It's buggy, there sometimes, not there others.
  2. roadripper92 New Player

    Cannot see my suits in the armories wherever I place them in the manor. I have moved the base packed everything, logged out and back in and etc.
  3. Dark Nyghtwyng Level 30

    This is yet another instance of this episode releasing content that was not ready or broken. Please for future releases wait to release stuff until it is finished or has minimal issues. It makes ppl not want to play anymore when a bunch of issues exist. I know ppl on the forums tend to give devs the benefit of the doubt, but it's killing the game. Wait a bit next time and polish it. Just some constructive criticism!
  4. Savior Prime Dedicated Player

    It would be nice if you couldn't just walk or fly through the secret door... that you HAVE to open it to enter the secret part.
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  5. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Are we any closer to getting this bug fixed? I really want to move my armories to my manor but not until they display properly and not show as empty.
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  6. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    placed the mansion armories in the base but the mannequin with the outfit and style not showing on armories
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  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The armories not displaying is fixed internally and working through QA.
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  8. SuperWeak New Player

    Same with me. That secret door is so secret… it’s invisible
  9. ForeverMan01 New Player

    Place the Vertical Sigil of Protection behind bookcase doorway. When door closed sigil prevents entry and bookcase can't be penetrated.
  10. XPerfectX Well-Known Player

    When can we expect a fix on live server?
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  11. Goldenarms New Player

    Would that also fix the issues with certain items not listing when using the preset circles? Case in point, I can't locate the large version of the anniversary portrait on the list in a smaller circle, but it shows on a larger circle; also, Angel of Justice won't show on the list. Haven;t tried running the whole list of things I have, but two were the first two things I've discovered.
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  12. UnderworldSelene Well-Known Player

    Still not working.
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  13. BriWi Well-Known Player

    Here's one that hasn't been mentioned yet: the Wayne Manor Doors cannot be opened. If you want to go through them, you have to destroy them. It doesn't seem like much, but since they do re-spawn after a short time, it makes moving around your manor increasingly annoying if you place the doors in the various doorways around the manor. How about letting us open them by holding 'E' like other interactive objects?
  14. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Because It's still being fixed, and not on the live servers yet.
  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    FYI, this has also been an occasional problem with the Bunker Lair, as well. Sometimes I'll enter my character's Lair with that Theme, and the Armories are "empty", not displaying the saved style. But if I exit the game entirely, shutting it down, then relaunch later, they'll start displaying again.

    This has been going on for a year or 2, at least. I just never bothered to report it.
  16. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Is this EVER going to be fixed? It keeps happening more and more frequently on the Bunker Theme now. o_O