Man in the mask - The Flash

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Multiverse Wanderer, May 12, 2016.

  1. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i would agree except we havent really seen enough of wally to get that emotional angle. theres really little in the way of a friendship between him and wally. hes still essentially a new, background character.

    my first guess is eddie thawne. i think that would bring in the most drama. iris just confessed barry may be the one and heres the guy who sacrificed himself so they can live back in the picture.

    second guess is jay and then barry himself. clearly time tossed or alternate versions of themselves.
  2. DarthJafo Committed Player

    The Jay we have now is really Hunter masquerading as Jay. It's not the actual Jay garrick. would thinknow there would be pictures of the real Jay so...I guess it would depend on how long Hunter has been playing the long con. Should be a simple matter for him to replace all the pics with his own

    I really just hope the font eff up the reveal
  3. Kroye Loyal Player

    My thoughts exactly.
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  4. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    I thought it might be Eddie, but pretty sure it's Jay Garrick. But Jay Garrick from what Earth? And played by what actor? The fact that he's in a mask concealing his identity means they (and we) will recognize him.

  5. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    It's Earth-1 Oliver Queen, who was exchanged with his Earth-2 doppelgänger - who is presumed dead - by Zoom in an endgame plan. That's why he knew the knock code from Earth-1. No, wait, it's actually Earth-1 Floyd Lawten whom we didn't see die for sure either. No, wait, it's Earth-2 Snart who will be needed after the "no stings on me"-show (yeah, I know it sounds Ultron) to take over for Earth-1 Captain Cold.

    Or he's someone I didn't mention yet :D
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  6. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Remember when Barry told his dad it was Jay Garrick and his dad said that's his mother's maiden name? I think earth 2 Henry Allen is actually Jay Garrick.
  7. Bhanqwa Well-Known Player

    It looks like (part of) the mask has to be taken of for this man to eat.
    There have been extended periods where he was visible to the other prisoner - did Zoom relocate the masked man for each feeding session, or put a curtain over the cell?
    The former would explain the lack of a toilet ánd waste visible in the prison.
    He wears the same outfit the whole time too - does Zoom do his laundry, or will this man have the world's crustiest undies?
    Maybe his superpowers are no need to feed and clean himself, you know scientists should totally dissect this man's dna to harness that power for the starving stinking populace.
  8. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    Agrecian, specially seeing how people on the threads kept pointing out his skin colour
  9. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player

    ***********WARNING spoilers ahead****************
  10. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player


    Well in my eyes it's pretty much confirmed that John Wesley Shipp is the one in the mask, as well as his role in season 3 (they pretty much already confirmed he'll be back). Unless they have some crazy *** twist (which is also equally possible) and throw us all for a loop, that's my guess...him being Jay Garrick as well.

    Regardless only one episode left, Zoom has retreated to E-2 and look like Barry will be there soon too so i'm assume the answer will be revealed to us soon enough.
  11. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Guy in mask is a lil scrawny to be shipp
  12. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Zoom is bigger than Teddy Sears.
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  13. Multiverse Wanderer Well-Known Player

    we can safely assume Zoom isn't feeding this dude if so rarely, he's probably malnourished and some video editing ez scrawny john shipp
  14. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Still say Ronnie Raymond
  15. Morcra Committed Player

    i dont think i dont think its Ronny. considering the origin of firestorm.

    My best guess is either Eddie or the real jay...or, u know, an alternate universe jay. something like that.
  16. Deathmike Devoted Player


    Deathmike out.
  17. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Why would it be Eddie when Barry and Iris finally hooked up? Assuming it's an Eddie from another earth, Iris will go nuts and start questioning her decisions with Barry turning flash into a soap opera like Arrow became.

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  18. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    My theory? It's Hal Jordan. Really. A couple of things:

    1. Zoom never said who it was behind the mask, but he did say Barry wouldn't belive him even if he told (or something like that.) Having an already established character seems both underwhelming and obvious. We've already had Earth-2 versions of several characters, so another one is a bit disappointing. There's not even that many left to reveal. The only one I can think of is Henry Allen from Earth-2, but think about it: What was the point of having Earth-1 Henry in the first place? What has he ever contributed to the series? His entire goal is to be a father and mentor to Barry, and he has two of them already (Joe and Wells). But having "a member of an intergalactic space police"? Now that's something even Cisco would have trouble wrapping his head around. :)

    2. We have already investigated other dimensions, and gone to Earth-2. Visiting Earth-3, Earth-4 etc would be cool, but in many ways more of the same. So what if we instead go to outer space? I don't think Barry will go to Mars or anything, but bringing in Hal Jordan as a Green Lantern could open up for a whole lot more villains and possibilities.

    3. They already killed Harley Quinn on Arrow before she even got her proper introduction (only a cameo), because it would make Suicide Squad too confusing, or whatever. And we know they are making a Green Lantern Corps movie. But there are plenty of Green Lanterns to pick from. They already used Hal Jordan in "that movie", so it makes sense to use another one in the GLC movie. That leaves Hal Jordan open for The Flash. It could still be too confusing, but at least it's a different Green Lantern, and we are getting a The Flash movie anyway.

    4. Adding Green Lantern to The Flash could be a way to re-introduce the character and conept to the masses, and thus prepare them for the big movie and Justice League. If people like him on The Flash, they might be more willing to see the new movie.

    Anyway, that's just a theory. :)
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  19. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    One reason why it can't be Papa Allen: he and the missus were on a holiday to Atlantis at the time that Bazza encountered MitIM
  20. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    For the longest time, I thought something similar and for similar reasons. Except I was thinking Alan Scott (Earth-2 and all). :D