Up-Votes Needed Major Lag

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by PandoraLaBella, Sep 19, 2023.

  1. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    Well, a lot of players just experienced I major lag in the US servers. In my case, I was fighting (healer, sorcery) Nekron in the Blackest Night Raid. I was able to type, I could order my character to use her abilities with animations and all, but it wouldn't work, and everyone around me was frozen. The lag was only solved when I was teleported to the mist room or rally (because I died). A lot of players in the LFG chat confirmed the lag, so it's not on my end.
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  2. SteelMachineZero Well-Known Player

    Its pretty bad in the open world also, the fearsome five misson is really bad
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  3. Lipei New Player

    It is lagging pretty bad everywhere I go in the game. Open world, instances, duels, everything….
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  4. MegaDCUO New Player

    Out of curiousity... Do any of you have Brightspeed?
    Cause i wouldn't be surprised if this issue is a mass outage problem caused by them and not even Daybreak themselves.
    I dunno. Just getting suspicious is all.
  5. PandoraLaBella Well-Known Player

    I don't live in the US. Besides, it was very different from a connection issue, because those get you disconnected in a matter of seconds, and I'm still online. It's definitely something with the server.
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  6. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    There does seem to be a global issue and relevant to the Major Force bug I reported earlier. Just now I was in The Terrorium (Event) with my level 190 HL character and experienced a period of being frozen in flight for about 10 seconds. Another guy was almost kicked for doing nothing, but I was on mic with him and he was complaining about lag and doing stuff but not being able to move.
    In my earlier alert we actually kicked someone who was just hanging there, not communicating or moving - but it could have been something similar.
  7. Shazam Well-Known Player

    Can also confirm. Last night was really bad. It seems to also be affecting the forums. I had multiple times the forums wouldn't load while the lag spikes are happening.
  8. MiLady Well-Known Player

    The lag problem has been happening the past few days for me and is still happening tonight. Even this website is taking a long time to load. Is it a DDoS attack? or is their entire system in bad shape? Lag in Open world, any instances, and Homecoming. USPC, both heroes and villians.
  9. AZPrime Active Player

    Can confirm that it's still pretty bad. If we can get a dev to chime in on this, that would be great.
  10. VariableFire Loyal Player

    Seems to be intermittent. Was fine (for me) around reset time until server reboot. Three hours before that I was having lag just moving stuff around inventory. Now I'm back to having massive open world lag.
  11. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    So far, I've no issue with lag but I've seen all the complaints in chat and have several league members that have issues. I assume it's something regional like a routing issue or maybe there is like a data center or something somewhere getting ddos'd or just down a few servers or something. If it were DCUO's end, it would be lagging for everyone so it's probably something between the player and DCUO that is causing the lag.
  12. Dev72 Dedicated Player

    Happens every time a new DLC is being tested on the test server, we should be accustomed to it by now. I haven't ran into lag issues....yet...but, many of my friends who primarily live on the east coast have been having lag issues. However, I am not ready to say it is just limited to the east coast though.
  13. Tros Well-Known Player

    Me and my league, also many ppl on the server gets too much lag, cant do anything, cant use broker, cant do solos, cant do anything and everyone on LFG starting to shout: "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG"
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It may be helpful if you can continue to comment in this thread when you see lag with the time and anything else that stands out.
  15. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Last night, approximately between 6 - 9 pm eastern time zone - US PC/PS. Was in the Homecoming TT zone, Power cooldowns were staying red, had trouble shooting arrows at the targets…felt like I activated a difficult mode or something…lol
  16. TeenWuulf Well-Known Player

    Starting around 5 PM EST, US PS/PC server.

    EDIT: Potentially relevant is that it appeared in small content (Subway duo), open world (Dakota), and House of Legends.
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  17. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Random and frequent lag spikes are still happening in US PS/PC server. Every time they happen multiple people in LFG comment about experiencing them so they seem to be server wide. The content or activity doesn't seem to matter. They've happened in instances, in bounty fights and even while navigating vendors. This has been going on since Tuesday night. I will say I was on for a couple hours in the middle of the night (2AM-4AM MST) and didn't experience any. But any and all of my gameplay during "normal people" hours has experienced this intermittently without respite. At this point I'm not bothering running elite content until it's fixed and elite content is about 90% of what I run when playing. So it's the seasonal and then log out for me. Hope this gets fixed soon.
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  18. M0RRISSEY New Player

    Can Confirm. US PS an open world earth3 major superpower interaction lag and sometimes no superpowers at all. Doesn’t seem to effect movement but definitely with superpower usage.
  19. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Happening right now US PC/PS 10 pm est, standing in HoL / sparring target delayed damage
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  20. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I forgot to mention it's happened when loading in as well. I've stared at a loading screen for more than five minutes on a few occasions over the past few days. And yes, this was still happening throughout today.