Maintenance Notice: Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ashlanne, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    wow imagine if you were f2p and they did this? just b/c legendary was complaining... yea it sucks theres lag but its not f2p ppl fault, its new dlc, ur net, weather interacting with ur net, and all the ppl who were mia due to being full 88 gear and all pvp gear coming back for all the new gear pve and pvp wise. plus all the ppl wanting to try rage BUT not wanting to risk not liking it so they make new characters.

    why when alot of the legendary members Ive played with suck, Id rather allow f2p and risk 10 out of 50 being good at the game and making it to t5.
  2. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    how do any of you who are against f2p know none of them by t4 will choose to sub? you dont you just rather knock everyone off thats not a legendary person and be done with it.
  3. oF1RESTARo New Player

    The only reason i started playing this game was for the F2P. I found i liked it then bought a few items to be premium and eventually subbed because it was worth it in my opinion!
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  4. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    What does F2P have too do with Maintenance?

    Clicked on the thread to see when the Maintenance ends and see a bunch of complaining about F2P!

    Make a different thread if you want too cry about the game...

    So, back on topic, is the Maintenance over yet?

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  5. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    :( Finally back on but didn't see much difference. :(
  6. TheGoodGuy New Player

    Agreed all those factors contribute to lag ... but number of users per server does too. And servers cost money, and Legendary members are footing that bill. It's not about fault, it's about managing the service utilization properly. I have zero problem with F2Pers ... I just don't want a crappy game experience because someone else wants it free.

    If I was F2P and they did this, I'd say, "Well, it was nice while it lasted. Let me see if I can cough up five bucks a month." This is a game, not food, medicine or shelter -- not something we have a moral responsibility to ensure another human being has access to.

    Also -- a lot of players in general suck, especially new ones. Don't think free or legendary has anything to do with it.
  7. NewAgeHLDPS New Player

    yes i agree newer players tend to lack skills more but as i said id rather take the 10 out of the 50 that are f2p going into t4 soon to be t5 over a t5 that sucks at the max cr with who knows how many sp probably the exact same as the t3/t4 ppl if not less.

    and its not just legendary who give money sure it may be them who give monthly or every 3 months w/e their case may be, but u forget about premium ppl who pay for dlc, and alot of "legendary" ppl dont count premium as paying customers unless ur subbing.