Mail issue

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by speedster1981, Apr 19, 2016.

  1. speedster1981 Committed Player

    Am I the only player having Issues with not receiving mail whether it from rewards , other players or the broker?
    I completed some briefings and investigations on my toon 2 days ago and still haven't recieved the rewards and I sent a Captain Cold hood from one toon to the other this monring and still haven't got it in the mail.... this needs fixing
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  2. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Yeah, I'm having an identical issue :

    I pulled 4 stacks of Aggressive exobits off the Broker for trade the other night, haven't gotten them back, I also sold the other three (at least to judge by my cash amount afterwards but never received the confirm email for having done so. It says 'new mail' every time I log into my main character but when I check mail there are no new/unread showing, and I still don't have my bits.

    Can I get a developer man brother?!?!
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  3. Myoxz Well-Known Player

    I didn't try it myself yet but, in other post and Bug Report page it says the following: "If you have new mail or old mail from player characters, this mail will actively disallow mails from the broker to show up. Once the player-sent mail is gone, logging in and out will show mail from the broker. This is not a coincidence due to the broker mail being sent late - you can supress broker mail you already received this way (both read and unread broker mail) and you can check that broker actions have been completed as a seller by checking available auction slots on the broker terminal."
    I'll try this solution later on and I hope it works or I'll loose Arkham Asylum briefing and investigation.
  4. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    What I had to do was go in the email delete the one that was there causing the email icon to keep on archive and then exit out. When you go back in mail, all your mail is back with the new mail. That was a direct response from a dev when I submitted my trouble ticket.
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  5. speedster1981 Committed Player

    I'll give it a shot thx