LVL 30 Final mentor mission not granted? WHY?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SUPERMANPRiM3, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    Hay guys just wanted to know if anyone else faced this issue.
    I made a new toon and levelled up to 30 but my final mentor mission was not granted to me. It is still making me carry on with missions. WHY?

    I thought XP boosters were to let us level up faster.

    Any idea.
  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    They do cause you to get to 30 faster, once you're at 30 you actually can start gearing up and getting into end game (which will cause you to lose out on the feats and the justice league symbol) once you hit that magic number.

    The system currently works that you get the missions as you go through their pre programmed system of leveling.
  3. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Okay did you complete all of the missions before 30? At this point most players reach 30 level before they complete every mission designed to be done below thirty. Unless you have completed the hero mission where you help Green Lantern and Green Arrow deal with the Specter You are technically not done yet. That mission must be completed before you'll be contacted to head to the watchtower and chat with your mentor.

    NOW there is nothing stopping you from using marks to buy gear and BREEZING through those final missions at say CR 40 and nothing stopping you from even starting to do T1 solos, duos, alert and raids (if your CR is above 40) but you won't get invited to join the JLA until all below thirty mission and that final mentor mission are complete.

    I know the feeling I created a new alt when the Wonder Woman emblem came out and you could earn 25% more XP for 7 hours. I did the entire OMAC and Specter mission ARCS after I was already level thirty
  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    You must play the missions in order. Regardless of whether you've reached level 30 or not.
  5. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    Then the XP boosters are pointless. after all if I compleated all the missionsame in order by the time I finish the last mission I will be lvl and ready to do my final mentor mission.
  6. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    Oh well if I am bothered I will come back and do it if I feel like it.
  7. AbBaNdOn_IGN Committed Player

    Just dont forget like I did for awhile. I hide missions im not actively on and I was like 100+ before I went back and actually finished that final mission lmao.
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  8. Ichiro Loyal Player

    xp booster are a scam. You get rewarded level 30 after completing the final level up mission regardless of your current xp or level. i went from level 28 to level 30 in an instance on a toon after completing the final mission.
  9. Gigga Watt Well-Known Player

    You just need to finish off your mentor story arc mission that's it
  10. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Well Boosters aren't necessarily pointless. It depends on just how fast you want to get to the Tier content. Now honestly other than the FREE one they give us as a reward for completing one of the story arcs I don't bother to BUY any because I'm to the point where I know all the tricks and strategies and in 6-7 hours of play time I can go from level 1 to level 30 anyway.

    But as I mentioned before ..You are CR 30 now and can buy CR 46 armor, run T1 solo challenges, duos and alerts.. at CR 40 you can start running raids. Nothing wrong with that at all.

    I'd definitely still go back and clean up ANY of those pre thirty missions you still need to complete. WHY? Okay first of all.. a few extra marks for doing all the side missions (heck you get 10 MARKS and now a full set of armor just for completing that final mentor mission). PLUS depending on how many more arc you have to finish .. STATS are supposed to matter soon and all those missions have Feats attached that lead to more SP which leads to better stats. Why skip over getting them when very soon they will be a lot more valuable and help you later one?

    I have a ton of ALTS and I could easily skip a lot of that stuff and just use replays and BUY those feats but WHY pay for something you can get for free?
  11. SUPERMANPRiM3 Well-Known Player

    ;) thank you for the detailed info. CR50 now and i hit a wall. cant buy the amazon styles of rear vendor without DLC/Legendary. still need to wait until AF3 release before i go legendary again. FYI this is my 7th alt and my main MAXED OUT.
  12. DeadSteel Active Player

    If you know what your doing you can reach lol 30 well before the final missions with only one free xp boost, but reaching higher lvls early helps to breeze through the missions without dieing or needing soader which in turn allows you to gain survival feats granting you needed sp