LPvE: I'm Sorry But You Took A Great Idea And Ruined It

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueGODofMarvel, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. ReAni Mator New Player

    Glad this topic is being well discussed. Bludhaven was a horrible part of levelling up early on the game for everyone (anyone sane anyway), so why on earth it was used again as a setting for lpve is beyond me. Terrible, terrible content that the game would have benefited from having cut out entirely. It looks ugly, stupid amounts of annoying ads, and silly objectives make it a truly horrid experience. In fact that was the first thing a league member said when I mentioned it to him the other day, 'oh it's horrid'.
    An alt role optional loadout for the legends would have been great, but I guess that would have involved some work.
    Running LOA with league members was alright fun, but as pointed out in the first post of this topic, it's crap that we are running maps that many of us have already played out many, many times just with nerfed out, weak as piss 'Legends'. FFS if using pre-existing maps was always going to be on the cards, surely using the newest content as templates would have made more sense, new players get to see something new to look forward to, and seasoned players feel like the legend characters are at least of comparable strength to their personal toon. Use the old crappy maps only after exhausting newer more exciting content. So yh, as it stands, it pretty much is just another grind which is a shame. For all this year the game seems to me to be getting quieter by the day. If so, getting things right has to be crucial at this stage, and the lpve has come off terribly. This is the shared view of everyone I have discussed it with in game. I hope it gets worked out, using the actual DC characters in a co-op style alert or op should be a great part of the game.

    -If your hell bent on recycling, use the newer maps!!
    -Work out alt role loadouts for the legend characters so we can play them in the same fashion as we do for other co-op content.
    EG. Batman Dps/troll, Superman Dps/tank, Dr Fate Dps/Heal
  2. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    All of my feedback of LPvE is spot on according to the majority of forum posters. It's not even nitpicky. You used that term wrong there. Nitpicking is a term used to define an action of someone LOOKING for something wrong unnecessarily. Or looking for something irrelevant to criticize in the face of a good overall product. I didn't have to look for issues. The issues with LPvE is there for all to see. The overall product of LPvE is not good. Its bad.

    What you missed is how my complaints are all connected. The overarching theme to my post, that the effort required for LPvE is not worth it nor is it consistent with the structure of the game. LPvE was marketed as a fun sideshow. It is not. It has failed. Sure some people may like it. But we shouldn't be making adjustments to satisfy the projected minority. Your opinion is not irrelevant but you make it seem as if, everyone who agrees with me is a scrub and only you know what is best. It's not about skill. It's about fun. Sure if I make a group consisting of my friends, we can knock out LPvE instances easily. But did I have fun while doing it? Nope. It was fun conversing with my buds. But the playstyle that the current LPvE forces you into is NOT fun. It's Turtle mode. Blocking to Regen health is probably the most boredom enduing feature I can think of. It inspires inactivity. The feats and rewards merely adds to the issue. Hard 20 min at best instances, should not be grind content.
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  3. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Btw: Great job everyone. We are 160! I'm extremely happy this issue is coming to light and hope developers listen and ACT ON our feedback
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  4. ChuckLess New Player

    Also, either the damage the NPC's do needs to be nerfed wayyy down, or the damage out from the characters needs to go wayyy up. Whichever is easier to code.

    As is, when we block, to get our health up, the NPC's do more damage than we can heal back.


    The content must reflect the above. And from what I have read, so far in this thread, that is what the majority not only expected but desire. Not everything should be a challenge. Lets have some good ol relaxing fun for once.
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  5. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    For once???? Everything in the game is a cakewalk, Legends is the only balanced challenge in the game!
  6. ChuckLess New Player

    Please stop. It is obvious the majority do not agree with your views on this subject.

    I've had a couple good runs. Most? Horrible. And all the reasons why have already been listed. Even the couple good runs were far from fun. And that's the most important thing. FUN. If the majority are not having fun, there is an issue.
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  7. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Stop saying Majority, 160 isnt even a miniscule fraction of the playerbase. If you think this game is hard then you are out of your mind, Legends is the only thing close to a challenge AND cannot be demolished by over-leveled players.
  8. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Yo. If you want difficult go play Elite Mode and Survival Mode. Let people who want to have stress-free fun play LPvE. Especially considering that is how it was marketed.
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  9. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    It's a cross-section of the playerbase. Meaning that it is a representative of alot of different viewpoints, personalities, and play-styles. 160 on this forum is an extreme amount of people when takin in context.
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  10. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Since you are incapable of reading an entire post i will repeat: Challenge AND Balance...balance....BALANCE. This big word means that you cannot have any advantage based on CR or Gear because everyone plays as a pre-made character with a pre-made loadout determined by the Devs!
  11. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    Did I not just say Survival Mode? The legends Characters themselves are not balanced by the way. Also you can play those seasonal events too! They stat clamp players as well. See? You have a plethora of other options. Have at it
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  12. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    No it isnt! 160 doesnt "represent" even remotely enough people to be considered Majority! That is like claiming that each person in that 160 comes from a massive community who have voted for a representative to claim this view here which is bull
  13. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    You are thinking in terms of numbers. I am thinking in terms of representation. all 160 people who liked the post are different individuals with different mindsets. Similar mindsets are present in the game itself.

    The only thing this forum lacks in representation is the premium and FTP population.
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  14. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Survival Mode is not balanced either, or are you really that incapable of understanding the word??? How is a Seasonal anything related to Legends? Also Legends are far more balanced than anything in the default game. They dont have roles, they get benefits from working as a team, and each one is premade. This is as close to balance as this game will ever come, if you are that terrible at learning game mechanics or are so try-hard that you need feats to be easier then there is no help for you in the world much less this game
  15. ArtOfFreak Well-Known Player

    I wish I could like this thread every day.
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  16. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    You cant prove that either. If anything the only thing you can prove is that they have similar mindsets since they all agree on a single thing, not the opposite. For all you know or can prove it is 160 people from 1 group, so stop claiming Majority when it is not a Majority nor can you prove it is even various mindsets
  17. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Guys seriously, why do you even need to argue about that?


    LPVE is some of the first content a player can queue for, the default shouldn't be a well balanced challenge. It should be a fun thing new players can do on an even playing field with existing players (which I think is why LPVP works... better...maybe?).

    That doesn't mean both can't be present, but honestly LPVE really feels like it missed the mark.

    Who's the target audience? It honestly feels like the target audience are addicts who'd endure anything and still somewhat enjoy it, grind out or buy the legends characters.
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  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Regardless of OP likes, if you did a poll in game you would find that many players dont like LPVE, the difficulty , etc. So people coming here and saying something and this thread hitting 18 pages is saying something.
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  19. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    You cant prove that
  20. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    But you can't prove it's not. And Frankly I have more evidence supporting my claim than you have supporting yours. And To be honest, we want to be blunt here: I very much doubt that the majority of this casual games population would agree that this game needs to be more difficult. I mean. Lets be logical.
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