Lpve females

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tsavorentless, Jun 23, 2016.

  1. Tsavorentless Dedicated Player

    Need a green Arrow one- Canary

    Need a Green lantern one - Star Sapphire , Jade

    Need a Magic one - Zantana

    Lpve is a pain to beging wit but this would really be nice

    Flash villain - Grodd and Zoom

    zoom shouldn't be hard at all

    Flash female - Jesse quick
  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

    I always wanted Carol Ferris as a legend character, however I don't think they're planning on doing anything about new characters, also when it comes to the already mentioned Grodd & Ivy, I think they will be either delayed or not going to come out at all.

    When it comes to LPVE, we DO need females in classes where there are none - Arcane, Green Arrow & Green Lantern related. If we had any, those tedious feats would be less painful to do. :/
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  3. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    I'd like to see Bleez, Lyssa Drak, Canary and Ivy. Apparently female legends don't sell well which is why we aren't getting many of those. Seems like nowadays all kinds of legends aren't selling well if we still didn't get Grodd who was announced ages ago.
  4. Laura Lightning Level 30

    I really wish that the devs would release more female legends. There should be a female legends for each category. Currently there are no female lanterns, arcane, archers, or speedsters. Maybe they don't sell well, but it's really offensive that they don't have any available for those categories.
  5. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I agree, we need more Legends characters! They shouldn't expect us to complete all those feats with one specific character, that's cruel
  6. Defcon 0ne Well-Known Player

    Fixed that for you bud. Plenty of females related to WW/Magic(Circe)
  7. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I agree all those would be great.

    Two small points, though:

    1) Wonder Woman is a female magic character. There should certainly be more than one! I'm simply noting that there isn't a complete absence of such.

    2) Zoom should presumably be distinctly different, though similar, to Flash, so assuming there isn't a great deal of work in figuring out what his powers should be while keeping them in proper balance is probably a error; it's likely a great deal more work than you may think it is.

    (Trivially, it's spelled "Zatanna," for future reference.)
  8. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Where did the legends maker guy go