Loving Fire

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Streven, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Necronus New Player

    Im not sure how to capture a video in game like that, never done that before lol. How does one go about doing it?
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  2. blklightning New Player

    if you're using PC, you can use FRAPS, or some other software to record gameplay. Then, compress w/ Movie Maker and upload to youtube.

    If PS3/4, sorry... no clue.
  3. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    I will admit, I have run into this problem a few times using fire as well. As I am on PS3 I have no available option to get a video up, but I will vouch that it is a true bug. I have had it happen at least one other time with mass det even, but it seems to have become much more rare lately.
  4. Streven Dedicated Player

    I can't do video but I can verify the bug. The exact same thing has happened to me several times.
  5. blklightning New Player

    I think I know what he's talking about, but I've never had it happen at the targets. Whenever I get back to my fire toon, I'll keep my eyes out for hit. Who knows when that will be though.
  6. russ4ua15 New Player

    Recently converted and loving fire. After I saw the might levels on HoP gear, I couldn't resist.
  7. Bubba6568 New Player

    Glad to see a Fire supporter! I was fire tank but started experimenting due to bad influences. BUT!! ive learned my lesson! my best fighting style is with fire power