Love the new material, gear, and cowl but

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RLManuel, Mar 31, 2017.

  1. RLManuel Committed Player

    Not looking forward to RNG, but what can you do....

    Still getting that material though:D
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  2. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    What can you do?

    Ask RNGesus to forgive you for whatever he's punishing you for.

    *Sorry had to say that*
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  3. Ereez Well-Known Player

    I'm not gonna try to get anything from the caps, the drop rates are just too bad
  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    I dont like the material at all. Its too similar to the void and its color locked. Only item im going after that has a collection is the black flash mask.
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  5. Kontakt Active Player

    you do realize the material is color locked right, so if you wanted to make it red and look like the flash.. it's not happening buddy, that's the only reason i won't be opening the time capsules.
  6. Kontakt Active Player

    i'm right in the same boat with you
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The material is meh. If I get it, it'll go to my one alt that uses that one color. What i'm really after is that Green Arrow gear (prayers have been answered).:D I need like 8 sets of hands, boots and shoulders And two full sets, one for my main and the other for my female toon.
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    The Material is locked to the color red...o_O
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  9. light FX Steadfast Player

    I thought the GA gear looked much better on the male. Tbh i really didnt like it on the female, something about it seemed off to me. And im not a GA fan at all. The normal version is just ok to me but the enhanced version is sweet. Willy in the one thread said the chest could be used for lanterns and if it can have an emblem on it makes it even better. Weird cause during the stream i said the exact same thing to league mates. I really like the hood, mask, chest and quiver on the back. Im surprised i liked it that much cause GA has always been a meh hero to me. It does look cool tho. Except the shoulders. Idk who designs shoulders in this game but man there are so few good shoulders. And the GA ones are too bulky for me and just look strange imo.

    And i gotta add this in, in another thread i said glad i have some keys and station cash saved up and a large amount of ingame $. And ofc some ignorant person somehow took that as me opening my wallet and spending a bunch of money on keys after i said im against TCs. I wont be spending a single dollar. The keys i have saved i earned ingame, the station cash i have is 4 months of monthly SC saved up. And my ingame money is my ingame money, that ive saved up over the last 3 months. Idky people assume stuff. Most of the time when people assume they look really silly. Not directed at u khal.
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  10. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    When I first watched the livestream my thoughts went to the waist and hands in particular for Lantern characters, but after re-watching the section with the Enhanced GA gear the whole thing could work. LOL I can see some people using the hood for sure, and after re-watching I want to get just the face piece for my Light character. :D

    Any idea if anyone asked about emblem use with that set in Discord? I stopped watching after the livestream was done.
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  11. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

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  12. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Green arrow gear and black flash cowl are great so will be grinding to get them , Material looks great but am disappointed it's color locked and not fussed about emblems although Flash one is very nice.
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  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    For me personally, the Black Flash Cowl and some pieces of the GA Armor are the only things worth it in this Time Capsule. The Material had SO much potential but since it is locked in Red it gets a big ol' :( from me.
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  14. RLManuel Committed Player

    I didn't know it was untintable, but I'm ok with that... just not with RNGesus being involved
    My rage character is going to look even better with the void and speed force material :D
  15. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Dang it all, I didn't even consider the possibility of using the material with a Rage character. I only thought about applying it to my villain speedster (Negative Speed Force and all that LOL).
  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    I jumped in discord late and only caught the last 5 mins so i cant say. My guess is emblems cant be used with that chest and i say that because wouldnt they have thrown the enhanced GA emblem on with it? Now im just guessing and i hope it does work with emblems but considering its friday we arent gonna find out that info til at least monday.

    But just the chest legs and mask enhanced would go great with some lantern stuff. Slap an emblem on and maybe use the enhanced qwardian hands feet and waist w/it. Imo it would look pretty cool. I was so looking forward to a flash inspired set but im actually digging the GA gear. We need more styles like the future bats and GA gear. Maybe next TC they will do a villain. Id love to see a bane set of gear and when its enhanced the venom moves through the tubes and glows.
  17. recoil Committed Player

    like the material, hate the rng. though goods news for people wanting the black racer cowl it seems to be the easy collection this time around.