Love and War Phantom 1 Shots

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Skorpion, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    While running LAW recently i've noticed that the 1 shots are not only going off more frequently but are gaining annoyance... we were in this operation which normally is completed less than 40 and mins for nearly double that time because of ... these annoying One shots i posted a video to illustrate what happened please Foward to 2:24 to the start of the material at hand sry i rushed this one up here and uploaded the wrong trimmed video
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  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I'm a cr 111 quantum troller and even with my shield and blocking I was getting one shot not a fun time .
  3. King Felsa New Player

    First thought: Your tactical mod might be bugged.



    Your neck mod doesn't have a name. I don't know if it's like this for all PS users (I'm on PC), but it might not be accurately activating, even though it says it is.

    Second thought: Based on your WM crit animation (the red bubble that pops when you're successful), you're ~2 seconds delay. I have a feeling that you're not actually blocking in time, even though it looks like it on your screen. The times where you immediately block after seeing the red skull above her head, you didn't die. The times where you needed to cut off an animation (ie explosive shot) after seeing it, you died. It's the delay that's killing you, not phantom 1-shots.
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  4. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

  5. spack2k Steadfast Player

    he put it on after last GU ... thats why u dont see the name same with expert mods , it has changed with GU which wasnt announced though, might be a bug.

    yes there is a chance u can die even if u stay in block for whole fight duration...
  6. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    They really screwed the pooch with this raid since last update, hopefully they're investigating all of the stuff they broke
  7. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    the runs do not seem harder just more annoying ... w/ bugs and all