Loot System - Who is quitting

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MEBegnalsFan, Mar 19, 2015.

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  1. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I should not only get 98 gear from these raids...multipal runs on 2 toons and only one neck piece for each.

    Loot system sucks in this game!

    I thought Destiny was bad about their loot system, at least you can pass the items to other characters on your account.

    Something or seriously broken and needs attention, how can I run 2 toons 20 or more times through raids and see nothing of use, stupid!

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  2. amazingmanll New Player

    8 year old kicker who spends hundreds on reply's but only has 80 SP's
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  3. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Hm...I know of a game that has abysmal drop-rates worse than DC. You can spend hours attempting raid bosses (open world notices that a raid boss has appeared and you need to find that door to get your butt kicked quick [max levels only]) that have a 1% chance to drop the current best weapons in the game that would be the equivalent of a 137 item level weapon on DC.

    Most times you'll just get the normal crafting materials and a few "promethium lockboxes", and that's it. But then if you look at normal bosses who drop good things (like accessories that add stats to your character) or the events the company comes up with (especially for job changing once you reach that level needed to advance), you'd adore the loot system on DC compared. And you aren't limited to retries in the same sense as here.

    You make the best of "100% stamina" in that game, and rerun the same mind-numbing instance multiple times for either 1 VERY low drop rate item to progress or multiple low drop items also needed to advance. (There's a class who needs to drop 50 moon stones in order to advance, and they have about as much chance to drop as the items of omnipotence, a rifle weapon not from the vendor, or that last item you need from collections to finish).
  4. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Already did this and it took only a week. WOW!
  5. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Let me get this straight; Because someone doesnt like the way a certain system works, they're crybabies? How does that work out? As far as your toons are concerned, Good for you.

    Just because someone opposes the loot system doesnt mean they're asking for handouts. Perhaps if you'd taken more than 18 seconds to read the OP, you'd be able to identify what the topic was about rather than showing an inability to make logical concise and coherent arguements.

    As for the grind there is no real grind concerning loot. Grinding is working towards something, playing for a lucky chance is gambling.
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  6. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    I have been playing the game since early 2013. I have all DLCs until Sons of Trigon, I'm Legendary and have an Annual Membership that will renew for the second time around september and a 3 month Legendary before going to the Annual Membership. Got a few toons and the main currently sits at CR 114 DPS / 112 Healer with over 155 SP (I'm working on taking that to 160 during this month), and that toon has respec to almost all the powers this game provide and had played over 3,000 hours with that toon alone. Beside that, I got another dozen of toons between heroes and villains that goes from CR 104 and under in all roles and almost all powers. In all toons I have played about 4,000 hours (and now that I think about it, that's too freaking much in 2 years and some months of game play).

    I have spent a little over $500.00 US Dollars on this game until today and I will continue to support the game renewing my membership, coming here at the forums and providing with constructive feedback on the things that I don't like about the game and I expect a change or be grateful and thankful for the changes that have improved my game experience.

    I understand that not all my requests are reasonable for the rest of the community. I hope the developers take in consideration that fact when they implement an initiative that will impact the community and I really and honestly will like to continue play this game for many years to come.

    Not always I'll agreed to all the people here at the forums or in-game but I'll try my best to be as respectful and as tolerant as I could be with everyone. I strongly encourage as a player and part of this community, to the rest of the players to cool down their angry emotions and think objectively for a second that not always everything will be hammered to our will and opinions.

    Everybody have a nice day and I'll see you around.
  7. MrBeefCakes New Player

    Kinda hard since I'm league leader and all now, but after this LoL I just ran....SOON!

    Btw I got all 98 drops once again.
  8. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    You're basically comparing your games version of the Omnipotence item with the 100 gear in this game.

    Here in DCUO, it's a full set of armour, all the accessories and a weapon too. Also, when will that gear become irrelevant in the game you're talking about? because all that Thrones gear people are working towards now will be irrelevant in May when the new stuff arrives.

    It simply isn't worth chasing and if there's nothing to chase, then why carry on playing, subscribing and buying things off the marketplace?
  9. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I'm 114cr 190sp and past month I have NOT SEEN ANY PURPEL GEAR DROP . everytime I see PURPEL I scream like a child then i check my inv and it's base items :(
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  10. YinChakra Dedicated Player

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  11. MrBeefCakes New Player

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  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Only thing in this game you might need 100/101 gear for is SM, and that's just because you have to push the limits of survivability. Anything else, you're fine with 98/99. Is the loot system perfect or even good? No. Should it be changed? Sure. Am I going to get in a twist about it? No way.
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  13. youngshotti New Player

    I agree with everyone about the loot drop is horrible my main have yet to get a piece of hundred gear but my 3rd alt have all but 2 n my main is a tank who none will let n throne r elite even though I have beat both. But I do think it the 98 gear drop would have been styles like time traveler trace norsemen r other rare to get gear I would have understood but this is unwanted gear
  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Been playing since Launch and I dont care about Raid Loot Drops. Unless its a weapon, then I get excited but I run the content to collect my Marks and grab my Tier Vendor gear. If i get an upgrade in a raid then cool. If not, no skin off my back, I have my Vendor gear and thats my End Game, my Tier Gear.
  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Do you not find that this gear is far too easy to obtain, even without replay badges or playing every day, leading to disengagement at a fairly rapid rate?
  16. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Interesting that this gets posted today of all days.

    Hang tight...incoming news.
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  17. Dynagirl Committed Player

    I'm not quitting. Been here since beta and I really don't understand where all this influx of "gear entitlement" threads are coming from. The best gear (except for Amazon Fury part 1 because they were still figuring out the new dlc structure going forward), have been behind a random loot drop. Tier 1-4 you didn't play for the armor you played weapons because back in the day you couldn't buy weapons till Lightning Strikes came out and they didn't make that into the norm till what the end of tier 5 content. Since Hand of Fate dropped now the best armor are also behind a random loot drop too. Although it may not seem like it to you now but, the devs have made great strides when it comes to the player loot. First adding role restrictions so for example: a tank can't need on healer gear, etc... Then giving us personal loot so no more going into group instances and potentially getting nothing but marks because the math was stacked against you with loot tables and divide that amongst other players (yes I know this can still happen but you get extra marks in place of the drop). Then we got unattuned geared so no matter what we can use it. I understand where the devs are coming from about the vendor gear. That is their bench mark for where the player base needs to be and anything beyond that is just extra.
  18. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Nice to know :D See they do listen
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  19. ILike2Vape Well-Known Player

    Oh momma, gimmie gimmie gimmie. Drop that bomb!!
  20. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    It better be a Disco-Ball for my base... Or a witchy broomstick.
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